Thursday, April 18, 2019

Prayer, day 2272: Maundy Thursday

Almighty God, Ground of Our Being,
we turn to You in hope and gratitude,
centering ourselves in your grace and peace,
inviting your Spirit deeper into our hearts.

Blessed Jesus,
who on this night reminded us to serve each other humbly,
and care for each other as tenderly as you care for us,
strengthen us to be a community embodying your example,
where all are fed, cherished, and honored.

You showed us how to walk in love and faith, O Redeemer,
and You have made each of us precious in your sight:
may we therefore extend the bounds of our compassion
to love and protect each other in truth and in action.

May we remember that in all we do,
we are your representatives in the world:
your voice of forgiveness and reconciliation,
your healing hands among all in need,
your compassionate embrace of all who feel broken or lost.

Led by your example, Lord Christ,
and anointed by the Spirit,
may we take up our lives' true work:
to worship God in unswerving faithfulness,
standing in unity with all creation,
tearing down the edifices of injustice and oppression,
serving the weakest and most vulnerable among us
just as you laid down your life in ransom for all.

Fed and nourished at your abundant table, O Savior,
we ask your blessing and guidance as we walk in your Way,
and ask your protection upon those for whom we pray.


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