Sunday, March 17, 2024

Lifting Up Jesus: Sermon for Lent 5B

The events of our gospel reading take place during the holy festival of the Passover in Jerusalem. Passover was the most solemn observance in the Jewish religious calendar. It is a festival centered around community, family, and the shaping of a ragtag bunch of former slaves into a people.

A specific people singled out by God and preserved over and over again from death, even the literal angel of death who swept across the land of their captors, and whose savage reaping finally convinced the Pharaoh of Egypt to, in the words of the famous spiritual “Go Down, Moses,” to “let my people go.” And so Jewish people, as well as Gentile converts and those attracted by the Jewish faith from all over the Mediterranean, if they had the means, would gather in Jerusalem to celebrate in and around the Temple.

We hold this in mind as we look toward next week’s pageantry of Palm Sunday in the Christian calendar, with Jesus triumphantly entering Jerusalem during Passover to shouts of Hosanna and the waving of palm branches—a hero’s welcome. There will be declarations of his rightful claim to be the Messiah, the anointed one appointed by God to liberate the people of Israel, some believe—to with power throw off the oppression of Israel by the Roman empire. Jesus will ride triumphantly into Jerusalem in the name of liberation during the festival which celebrates the liberation of the people of Israel from bondage. That’s what so many of those cheering expected.

But there were two processions parading through the streets of Jerusalem at that moment. As Jesus and his band of followers come in from the east, a much more impressive procession would be entering from the west. The Roman governor would himself put together a huge military display and ride through the streets of Jerusalem with rows of infantry and a powerful show of force of cavalry.

Each year, as the people of Judea started dangerously talking about their freedom and about the power of their God, the Roman authorities would put on their own show of force, reminding the people that they WEREN’T free, that they were still enslaved under the relentless forces of empire.

As Jesus’s followers proclaimed him the heir of King David and dreamt of a return to the glory days of Israel seen through the lens of myth and legend, the Roman governor would remind the people that they could be crushed at a moment’s notice. That he represented someone who also claimed to be God’s son on earth—the Roman emperor. An emperor who represented the oppression, impoverishment, and enslavement by right of conquest. Certainly not a prince of peace—but also representing forces still at loose in our own world today.

In the midst of all this hubbub, we have this little detail that two outsiders approach two of Jesus’s closest disciples and ask to see Jesus. The Gentiles who are in Jerusalem are probably “God-fearers,” people drawn to the worship of the God of the Torah and the Prophets, and they attempt to contact Jesus through the two disciples whose names are—pay attention-- Greek.

Maybe their appearance is a throw-away detail in the story at the time. And yet, I am drawn to these two Gentiles who screw their courage up and approach these two disciples who also have “Greek names” and ask to see the infamous wandering rabbi. Do they get to see him? Or do they get turned away in the hustle and bustle of the festival and all the demands upon the disciples’ and Jesus’s time and attention.

Yesterday, at our Diocese’s Healing in the Heartland gathering, the Rev. Traci Blackmun, our amazing sister in Christ, told a story to underline the importance of being seen. She shared an anecdote about the Zulu Nguni people of Southern Africa. In their culture, when one person greets another, they say, “Sawubona.” This roughly translates in English to “I see you.” The common response is then “Yebo, sawubona,” which means “I see you, seeing me.”

These is not just statements of sensory recognition. These are statements of equality, of valuing each other, of recognizing each other’s humanity, of welcoming someone into our presence. And it reminds us all of how we must move beyond superficialities to truly see each other not based on our differences but by our own common heritage that goes beyond race or nationality. 

And as people of faith, this is our calling: to, as we affirm in our baptismal covenant repeatedly throughout each year, to honor the dignity and worth of every person. To see the face of Christ in each person, and to BE the face of Christ to those who see us. That is the deeply political act that is at the heart of the Gospel. To make Jesus visible in ourselves, and to seek the face of Jesus in others as we remember that we are all created in God’s own image.

I wonder how many times someone has approached us, and asked US to help them see Jesus. 

Oh, I am not talking about directly asking us—that would be too easy. But what about all the people who look upon us as we are going about our days—acquaintances or strangers. They may be able to tell that we claim the identity of Christian. Maybe they see a cross hanging around our neck. Maybe they saw you with an ash cross on your forehead on Ash Wednesday. 

But maybe we didn’t even notice them. Maybe they didn’t ask out loud. But we know that there are people every day who seek the filling of a perhaps nameless hunger within them. In this world that too often denigrates attributes like faith, hope, charity, self-giving, and community, we are surrounded by people who nonetheless yearn for these things, if they could put it into words. They long for connection, for the experience of being loved.

They want to see Jesus. Just like all of us.

Maybe they were the person who was having a bad day near you last week. Maybe they were angry, or close to tears. Maybe it was a dad in a grocery store with a screaming three year old who is screaming because dad didn’t let him eat the strawberries out of the carton before they were washed. Maybe it was the kid with the lip piercing and neck tattoo who made you a smoothie. Maybe it was a person in a nursing facility who never gets visitors. Maybe it’s a refugee who can never return to the only home they’ve ever known but are trying to make a home here, where everything is different and bewildering.

But the thing is, we brush up against people all throughout each day who may not be able to put it into words, and may not even be aware of it, but who are hungry to see Jesus. The Jesus-on-a-cross thing possibly scares them, or confuses them, and makes no sense, so that’s not the Jesus they are ready for right now. We celebrate Christ crucified—but also Christ who is risen. Christ who lives still within all of us.

No, they are looking for the Jesus in us. They are looking for the flash of recognition—for each of us to look at them, to see them as an individual despite our differences. They are looking for a smile, a small kindness, a dropping of pretenses and aloofness and a demonstration of compassion and really seeing people for who they are: beloved children of God, made in God’s very image.

Jesus says, “the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” What caused this hour to finally come at this particular point? The world—in the form of some “Greeks,” which means us—has come to Jesus, to experience yet another Epiphany. And now—NOW--Jesus is going to be exalted—lifted up—on the cross and beyond the cross. The cross that, as we have contemplated it this Lent, is a sign of hope, of the victory of love over sin and death. Jesus’s entire life—ministry, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension—was a gift to bring all of the world to God—the world, we remember, that God SO loves. Not just the descendants of Abraham. ALL the world. The world that longs to see Jesus, and know Jesus sees them.

John says Jesus’s language here about being lifted up is to indicate the kind of death he was to die. But we know, from our distance of two thousand years, Jesus’s words also indicate the kind of life that awaited him—and all of us who follow Jesus-- on Easter morning.

The season of Lent is not one that centers on deprivation. It is meant to be a gift of contemplation and renewal—which is why it is held in the spring. It is meant to be a tome of remembering God’s covenant with each of us—that God so loves us that God’s own son calls us to see how to live a God-shaped life of love and commitment to healing and grace as a fully human being.

We all want to see Jesus. And our calling is to see Jesus in each other. To see Jesus, to know we are deeply loved and known by Jesus. And then to lift up Jesus in our own lives, so that the world may see him too. And to exclude no one.

Yebo, sawubona.

Preached at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Ellisville, MO,  March 16-17, 2024.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The World According to God: Sermon for Lent 4B

Today’s gospel brings to mind two distinct memories from my childhood. One is seeing somebody sitting in every end zone on Saturday and Sunday and Monday nights, holding up a sign that said simply “John 3:16.” 

I am sure it inspired many people to either nod their heads knowingly, or maybe to have enough curiosity to finds out what that sign referred to. Nowadays it would be as simple as pulling out your phone and using a search engine. But certainly some people looked up that verse, and were intrigued. Those that were destined to be Episcopalians would then look over the entire section of at least John 3:1-21, knowing that a few words—in this case 27 words—pulled out of an enormous book will lack a certain contextual depth and precision. Those are OUR PEOPLE!

Especially with this famous verse, context is vital. If you just stick with those 27 words, following Jesus is simply a matter of assent, a magical formula like abracadabra, a spiritual get-out-of-jail free card. But it’s not—assent is required, and commitment to not just saying some words, but living and loving like Jesus, who embodied God’s love in human likeness to be a model for our lives.

For many, this verse is a full and complete summary of the gospel. Martin Luther summarized this verse like this: “For the world has me; I am its God.”

But I think the next verse is just as important. “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”

God so loved the world, the world God made through speaking God’s wisdom into the world, that God sent God’s beloved Word to be incarnate—to take on human flesh to show us all how to be fully human and fully God’s children. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s wisdom in the world. Wisdom that can be lived in our own human lives-- if only we choose to follow.

That brings me to the second of my childhood memories, in the sweet little Methodist Church in which I was born and baptized, and that we attended until I was five. At Southern Hills Methodist Church, I remember singing this lovely hymn that so engaged my heart’s certainties, because it described the world according to God:

This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father's world; the birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, declare their maker's praise.
This is my Father's world, He shines in all that's fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass; He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Father's world. O let me ne'er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father's world: why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring! God reigns; let the earth be glad!

My own experience even as a very small child resonated so strongly with this hymn. Sharing the same sense of wonder and awe out in nature, delighting in the elephantine clouds slowly processing overhead down to the busy industry of ants moving among the moss on the north side of a tree, a tiny world humming with life beneath our feet, often too small to notice. I knew that God loves this world from clouds to ants to you and me, and made it a source of awe and wonder. I resolved never to lose that wonder—especially when things were hard. The signs of God’s love are shot through creation—and in our yearning hearts.

The message we hear in John’s gospel and in our Psalm is one of wonder and awe and gratitude, yes. But it is also a reminder that the Church goes astray when it puts limits on who God loves and who God does not. Our gospel also makes it clear that merely saying you believe in Jesus as a hedge against condemnation means nothing. Believing in Jesus means following Jesus in embodying that love into the world-- each of us.

Our first reading can lead us down a rabbit hole, with all its talk about God loosing poisonous snakes upon his maddeningly complaining people during the wanderings and discontent in the desert--unless we know the background behind it. The Priestly writers telling of this event is meant to support their belief that God smites and condemns those whose faith falters. Notice that Jesus does not repeat this belief in his referencing to that same event—he only talks about the cure. This aligns with his claim that God seeks always to save and redeem the world we have mangled through our own short-sightedness. Never to condemn it or all the living things who share this planet with us.

Last week we heard Jesus compare his body to the Temple, and we were reminded that God blessed and sanctified us in our bodies, too. In taking on our flesh, our human life, God continues to tear down the walls WE build to separate ourselves from God, and to remind us that God lives and loves within each of us right now, and through Jesus God keeps reaching over those walls and pulling us all over the top and never giving up on us.

In today’s readings, we hear about the blessings of light, of healing, and especially of love.

Light and darkness are important signs or symbols in John’s gospel, which makes sense, because they are important symbols to us. Our gospel today starts in the middle of Jesus’s conversation in the middle of the night, in the darkness, with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus comes in the night also because he lacks true understanding of who Jesus is, but at least he is straining toward the light.

When Nicodemus first approaches Jesus, in verses we don’t get to hear to help us understand the context, it is clear that Nicodemus is drawn to Jesus. Nicodemus is beginning to be drawn to the light of Christ, for at that start of chapter 3, he states: “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who is coming from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God.” As a Pharisee and yet a seeker, Nicodemus is a man torn between two worlds, just as the church members in Ephesus were, and frankly much like many of us are.

Jest before our reading, Jesus tells Nicodemus he must be born again, which Nicodemus rightfully does not understand. Yet thinking about being born to a new life in Christ is a fruitful metaphor. We are born with an abiding hunger for connection, and for meaning even from the time we are infants. Babies want to be embraced, and they want to be fed. God helps this along by making babies helpless and also adorable, which goes a long way toward making up for the smell. With our poor eyesight, as infants we experience the world mostly through out hearts, and our bellies. Babies get anxious when either of these are not full—and I am persuaded that frankly, those feelings of hunger, especially spiritual hunger, remains one of the driving forces in our lives—one that we ignore or misuse at our peril.

Our own hunger for God within us brings us to this point, and calls us to repentance, to change. That change is scary. It means letting go of the familiar. But what will we gain? Only the certainty that we, and this whole world, are beloved by God.

How are our lives changed when we embrace Jesus as Savior? In our epistle, Paul states here that it is the difference between death… and life. We are asked to embrace our brokenness, and allow the light of Christ to wash over it. The world according to God is filled with reconciliation, discernment, self-honesty, and abundant beauty and grace. Paul’s words attest to the abundance of God’s love—abundant beyond our imagining, especially.

And here we see the blessing of healing that runs through all our readings, as well. Living as one of us, and dying as one of us, Christ in particular can reach into the shattered places in our spirits, and restore us from the shadow world in which we have lived into newness of life. Sometimes those wounds we bear were inflicted on us. Yet, other times, our own choices have wounded us. But God is always there.

Eternal life starts right now. It starts with understanding ourselves as living—right now-- in the presence of God. Right where we are. God loved us in this way, that God gave us God’s only Son. And why? So that NO ONE feels hungry, or empty, or lost—so that everyone can have a whole and lasting life. That Son didn’t come into the world to condemn us, but to save us, and remind us of who we are: Beloveds of a God who loves us and longs for us so much that God continually reaches out to us, asking us to align ourselves with God’s economy of abundance, grace, and peace.

The world according to God is one of grace, not condemnation. And as God’s Beloveds, we are called to bear God’s light into the world. The world that God so loves.

(1) Maltbie Davenport Babcock (1858-1901), American clergyman, poet, and hymn writer, “This is My Father’s World.” From the United Methodist Hymnal, 144.

Image: The famous "Big Blue Marble" photograph taken by the Apollo 17 crew on December 7, 1972 as the crew traveled toward the moon. This was the first photo of Earth that showed the southern polar ice cap. Image credit: NASA.


Preached at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Ellisville, on March 9-10, 2024, the Fourth Sunday in Lent.