Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Prayer 3654: A Prayer for Valentine's Day based on Michael 6:8

Love divine,
we praise You for the beauty of this new day:
alleluias rise with the song of the morning birds.

You have called us into covenant with You;
like a compassionate shepherd, You call us back
when we stray from your paths.
Let us seek only to do what is good and loving
in service to You,
for your mercy and love pours down like rain.

Let us do justice to those we we encounter:
open our eyes to those who are oppressed,
and our hearts and resources to those whom we see suffering.
For we are all one, bound together by your love that births us.

Let us love mercy, and extend it to friend and foe.
Let us act in kindness and empathy
as we claim to be your children,
that the world might know
that You are the God of compassion and healing,
as Your Son exemplified.
For we are all one. bound together by you love that sustains us.

Let us walk humbly with You and with each other,
remembering and giving thanks for your grace
poured out upon us so that we might share it with all.
For we are all one, bound together by your love
that forgives and guides us.

Incline your ear to our prayers for those we name,
O Most Merciful God,
as we bear them up in tenderness as we pray.


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