Monday, July 15, 2019

Prayer 2359

Holy One, You are our home
in wind, in rain, in sun,
and our hearts overflow with praise
for your goodness and lovingkindness toward us.
With nimble fingers, O Creator,
You fashion the stars,
and all creation sings to you as their Maker.

May we turn our steps
into the paths of holiness laid out in your gospel,
following the Way of Jesus,
who calls us to amity, purity, and love for all.
Blessed Redeemer, forgive us our sins
and our failures to act;
strengthen us to resist the lure of silence
in the face of evil and contempt for others.
Instead, O God,
may we let your abundant love flow through us:
may we be instruments of healing in the world
and live out the truth of your encompassing love
against the powers of darkness and death.

Uphold us by your mercy, O God,
and with your help renew our spirits in hope,
granting your comfort and strength
to those for whom we pray.


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