Monday, November 26, 2018

Prayer 2129

O God, You are our Help and our Hope,
and we lift our spirits to You in wonder and praise:
accept our prayers and thanksgivings
which we offer before You.
Merciful One, we confess before You
our hardness of heart,
the leanness of our souls,
that numbs us to the pain of others
so long as we maintain our comforts.
Renew in us a spirit of empathy
and a willingness to place ourselves in the service of others,
giving aid to the weary and hope to the forsaken.
Let us guide our actions by your commandment of love,
O Lord Christ, our Savior and Teacher.
that we may live with virtue and integrity,
and join in your work of renewal and reconciliation.
Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Almighty God,
consecrate us and bless us to your use today,
and grant your benediction and comfort
to all those whose cares we lay before You.


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