Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Prayer 1921

Gracious and Merciful God,
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer,
we rise from our rest to give You praise,
You who have guarded us in tenderness
through the watches of the night.

Our lips pour forth the praise of God,
whose mercy and love endure forever!
You are our light and our hope, O Lover of Souls:
may we seek to walk in your paths
and set our shoulders to the wheel of peace and justice today.
Burnish our hearts, Lord Christ,
that they may reflect your wisdom and truth,
and give light to all who seek You.

Guide the hands of doctors and nurses
as they use the wisdom You have given them
to bring about relief
and aid the work of recovery.
Comfort all who are in distress, O Holy One,
and pour the balm of your healing over those who are ill,
we humbly pray.

Bless all who call out to You, O Nurturing Spirit,
and gather within your mercy and respite
all those for whom we pray.


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