Friday, April 20, 2018

Prayer 1910: Living a Christ-shaped Life

Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer,
we gather before You in gratitude for your love.
Let us awaken the dawn with our praise,
and lift the curtain of night with our song!

God of Mercy, inspire us to be renewed and reconciled
by being faithful to our covenant
with You, and each other.
May we embody the peace of Christ,
and care for each other
as beloved members of the household of God.

Through your Word, O God,
may we be led to living a Christ-shaped life,
nurtured and nourished by love and hope,
benevolence and compassion.
Borne up by your abundant grace,
fill us with a Spirit of holiness and truth, O Holy One,
we humbly pray.

Let us dedicate this day You have given us, Lord
to be bearers of your light into the world.
By the power of Love Incarnate,
bless and protect those whose hope is in You,
especially those we now name.


Image: Wall decoration from a third-century house church

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