Thursday, February 8, 2018

Prayer 1839: Within the embrace of God

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,
gathered within your embrace
we arise to greet the beauty of this day,
eager to walk in love and faithfulness,
led by the light, grace, and reconciling example of Christ.

Almighty Creator,
You have woven the night sky and morning clouds
into a tapesty of beauty,
reminding us of your promise of faithfulness,
You who call the stars by name
and have inscibed each of us on your hand.

Sustain us with your word, Blessed Jesus,
that our hearts be transformed in love and compassion
 that we tenderly care for each other
in witness to all You have done for us.

Renew us, O Holy Spirit,
in generosity and lovingkindness,
that we may see and know our mutual dependence
as one body, one spirit, one creation.

Merciful One, pour out your grace and healing
upon all for whom we pray.


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