Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Prayer 1803: The Tenth Day of Christmas

Creator God,
we lift our praises to You,
our hearts robed in gladness.

As the wind caresses the sleeping Earth,
and the littlest birds sing their hearts to You,
may we hear your voice, Lord,
in the space between songs
and know peace and contentment.
May we pause and wonder
at your never-failing love, O Merciful One,
marveling at the blessings you spread before us,
and make every breath a prayer of thanks.

In your great mercy,
hold us in the hollow of your hands,
Blessed Savior, Our Rock,
and set us upon the path of wisdom.
Heal us, Lord Christ, by the power of your love,
and refresh our souls by your grace,
giving rest to the weary,
and comfort to the troubled,
as we pray in your Name.


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