Monday, December 19, 2016

Prayer 1428: Come, Light of God

It may have taken two days, but all three of us were ordained as transitional deacons this weekend. Thanks be to God!

Come, Light of God, and let your wisdom pour forth like a balm over us as we lift our hearts to You in praise and gratitude! 
Spring up, O Dayspring of Life, and fill us with your grace and mercy, that we may walk in the pathways of peace.
Establish within us a thirst for justice and discipleship, that we may serve You and each other with joy. 

Blessed Redeemer, may our prayers rise to you like incense, as we remember all those in trouble or anxiety. 
Give your holy angels charge over those who watch, weep, or worry, and shelter those who are in danger. 

Bring us to a deeper love of You, O God, and a deeper compassion and care of each other and your creation. 
Merciful One, rest your hand upon these beloveds for whom we pray.


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