Thursday, June 12, 2014

Prayer 507- for Trust and Faith

Window at Christ Church Cathedral

Inspired by Psalm 71
O God, You have been our constant companion since before we drew breath: may we abide in your presence forever. 

You called us into the light of wisdom and sustained us with your grace as we grew and learned: your hand rests upon us. 
In our rejoicing we give You thanks; in our trials we cry out to You as a babe call for his mother in the night: in darkness and light, You are there. 
Soothe our minds and souls that we may remember your steadfastness and devotion. 
May we know we are never abandoned or forsaken, even when doubt and pain prowl and circle around us in the night. 
You are our salvation and our shield, our rock and our tower, our Friend and Guide who upholds us always. 

Set ablaze the hearts of those who call on You, Beloved Savior, especially those we hold within our hearts today.


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