Friday, June 6, 2014

Prayer 501- in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion

AP photo from June 6, 1944
In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion:

Almighty God, You are our strength and our shield: hear our prayers. You fill our hearts with courage when fear closes over our head like a tide. You place our feet upon the strand and carry us through the breach. You bear us up like a gentle wave, and catch us when we fall. You shelter us from tempests and tumult, and bring us through fire and withering heat. You guide us through trials and shield us from storms, for your love is everlasting. You enclose us in your embrace when night falls; our final thought is of your wondrous love. Gather to You all the fallen who have sacrificed in the name of peace, for You are our home. We place our hearts, hopes, and fears in your hands, O Loving One, especially for these we now name.


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