Monday, June 2, 2014

Prayer 497- On Beginnings and Endings

Winged Victory, the Louvre, Paris, 2012

Blessed Lord Jesus, you are the Alpha and the Omega: remind us that each ending is a new beginning. All things come from the bountiful Love of our Creator: let us rejoice in God's mercy and abundant grace. 

Make us worthy to bear the banner of Christ into the world, and guide us in the paths of wisdom and peace. Let all we do be done in love and charity, for the eyes of the world know You, Almighty God, through our actions and words. Drive far from us all bitterness and enmity, O Savior, for we know how much forgiveness we ourselves need yet are given freely. 

Guide the hands of doctors and nurses, that their patients flourish and gain strength and healing under their care. Place your hand of healing over the hearts, minds, and spirits of those who call upon You, O God, and bless those whose needs we lift before you.


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