Saturday, May 3, 2014

Prayer 467: Of Mercy and Kindness

O God, we ask for your blessing upon us, for You are the One who calls us into life and love. 

Awaken us from our hardness of heart, from our pursuit of vendetta and bitterness, from our assumptions about others' motives. Let us never try to react to others today in answer to wounds we suffered in the past. 

Awaken us from our patterns of thought that lead us to suspicion and malice. Let us forgive others as we ourselves cry out to be forgiven. 

Awaken us from our fears, that we may be a testimony to your saving love and universal redemption. Let us remember that as we are known You are known, for we claim to live under your banner. 

We worship You, the One who always has mercy and calls us into wholeness. We worship You, whose Son called us into life with You and your undeserved grace. Send your Spirit to heal and gentle us, O Ruler of Life.

Help us to love others as You love us, and hear the prayers we offer for those we now name.


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