Monday, March 31, 2014
Prayer 434
Almighty God, we turn to you as the Earth turns toward the sun, bringing light and life to all. Let us be light to all the dark places of the world, like mirrors reflecting your wisdom and truth. Let us not be deceived by appearances, but see with the eyes of the heart what is true, good, and right.
Help us to know and repent of our faults and hardheadedness, and forgive those who have wronged us as we would hope for forgiveness. May those whose eyes are closed in prayer open them to see anew the radiance of your hope, Lord Jesus, especially those we now name.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Prayer 433 (On the 23rd Psalm)
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Icon- Jesus as the Good Shepherd |
(Based on Psalm 23)
God is our shepherd and provider,
You claim us as your own.
God leads us into pastures that supply all our needs;
You give us rest and security.
God refreshes and revives our souls anew;
leading us into truth,
trusting us to follow and glorify God's Name.
You shield us by your strength and vigilance;
when trials approach us,
we have no fear,
for You hold us in your hand
even when the darkness of death looms.
You provide a rich banquet for us even as enemies look on;
You have consecrated us and blessed us abundantly.
Your steadfast promise of love enfolds us,
and goodness and mercy are our sure companions
as You lead us through our lives.
We rest securely in your arms,
and our home is with You forever.
O Shepherd, hear the call of your people and gather them close, especially those we now name.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
God is our help- Prayer for Day 432
Almighty God, we thank you for your ever-present help in times of trouble, and for uplifting us in times of joy. May we be guided by the Light of your Wisdom and Love to seek the more excellent way of life in You. Help us to forgive those who have wronged us and acknowledge our own great faults and errors. Help us to dedicate ourselves anew to a right relationship with each other. We thank You for the blessings of children and friends. Tend to the sick, the weary, and the downhearted, for your Love's sake, especially those we now name.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Prayer 431
Almighty God, we kneel before You as the wings of dawn brush open our eyes to know the beauty of your creation. Our hearts are firmly fixed upon your kindness, and filled with your mercy which flows over us like a south wind. We rejoice in our salvation, Lord Christ, for you have called us back from the precipice of death and self-destruction. Draw us deeper into communion with You, O Source of Life and Light, that your will and your way may be our delight. Guard our loved ones this day, O God, and uplift them by the power of your Holy Spirit.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Prayer 430
Lord Jesus, with sighs of gratitude we are drawn within your saving embrace: with joy may we bear your love into the world.
May we make your Church not just a place of refuge but a haven of justice, empowerment, and peace.
Let us be known by our open-heartedness and compassion in place of pride and hunger for power. Let us be known by our love and faithfulness in the midst of selfishness and adversity. Let us be known by our service to those poor in body or in spirit, that we all know the abundance of Your mercy.
May we remember your tender watchfulness over us, and lay before You the prayers of our hearts.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Prayer for Holiness (Day 429)
Bend near, O God, to those who seek you. Quiet our hearts so that we may know your Spirit and your Truth. Give us the faith to let go and allow You to guide and direct us today. Make us agents of peace and justice for those who suffer oppression or prejudice. Protect those who struggle to recover from disaster. Strengthen us to act for the common good for the creation of a just society. Give comfort to the weary and the worried. We place before your our concerns and thanksgivings for these, your beloveds.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Prayer 428
Loving God, shine your lovingkindness upon us in the morning; let us walk in blessing and peace through the hours of the day. Let us still our minds to hear your invitation to us to truth and love; send your holy angels to call us to life and good news. Make us radiant in answering your call: fill our hearts with joy in serving You. Make us a blessing this day to all we meet, and let us work together in amity to seek the common good. Safeguard the hopes of all who long to hear your voice, and hear the entreaties of those who call upon You.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Prayer 427
O Lord God, it is a new day: let us draw near to You in spirit and in truth. Give us the courage to be healed of the fears that plague us; let them be driven away by the trust we have in You. Stretch out your hand and heal us, Lord Christ, of our hardness of heart and our stubborn pride, that we may serve You with joy. Awaken us to the promise of life in You, and set our feet upon the path of love and truth. Look with favor upon those whose needs we bring before You, and send your Spirit to tend their needs, especially those we now name.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Prayer 426
Almighty One, we gather before your altar to worship You: your song is on our lips night and day. Let us open ourselves to the guidance of your Holy Spirit: may we be a creative force for blessing in your creation. Let us take delight in each other, and see the light of Christ that shines from each countenance we encounter today. Let us trust in the power of truth, sing with singleness of heart, and raise up our praise to your Almighty Love. In all we do, let us be what we believe. Let us pray for the needs of others and for ourselves, for the vulnerable, the sorrowing, and those enduring through trial
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Prayer 425
O God, You called us to rest from all our labors as You rested after creation: let us take this moment to rest in You.
Bear us up as boats are lifted by the tide, and carry us in the current of your Love. Breathe upon us, Breath of Heaven, and lift us up as a cloud of witnesses to your goodness and mercy. Fill us with your inspiration, O Holy One: to love and take joy in each other, and to seek to be a blessing to all we meet.
We praise You for our manifold blessings, and we ask your help for those in need of comfort.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Prayer 424
O God, You are our strength and our redeemer: may we go forth into this day under the banner of peace. May we be grateful for your watching over us, and seek to serve You night and day. May your love be a song upon our lips, that our words be a beacon to those who feel alone. May we do your will with joy in our hearts, and center ourselves within the Body of Christ. May we be strong in faith, and faithful in loving You and each other. Loving One, send your angels to lend your aid to all who call upon You.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Prayer 423
Almighty God, we thank you for your ever-present help in times of trouble, and for uplifting us in times of joy. May we be guided by the Light of your Wisdom and Love to seek the more excellent way of life in You. Help us to forgive those who have wronged us and acknowledge our own great faults and errors. Help us to dedicate ourselves anew to a right relationship with each other. We thank You for the blessings of children and friends. Tend to the sick, the weary, and the downhearted, for your Love's sake, especially those we now name.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Prayer 422
O God, You are our sun when storm clouds gather; You are a cool, verdant pathway when we fear we've lost our way. You, My God, are the hope that springs forth when the lighthouse beacon steers us from the shoals. You, Loving One, are the eagle who both soars and shelters her young under her wings. You, Holy One, are our true North and, at the end of our days, our rest. Protect us, guide us, inspire us, and nurture us as we journey through this life. We pray especially for these whose names we raise before you.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Prayer 421
O God, we ask that you lead and guide us throughout this day. Whatever we do, let us do it in gentleness, filled with the inspiration of your Holy Spirit. Teach us a song of joy and peace, welcoming the dawn of salvation that breaks upon us. Let us take the hand of your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and walk in the way of life and truth. Let us take the needs of others into our hearts, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Holy One, we ask your blessing upon these loved ones, and raise them up to You in prayer.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Prayer 420
O Loving God, we bow before You in humble thanks for all your gifts. Give us the courage to serve those who persecute us, just as Patrick served those who had held him in bondage. Give us grace to respond to your call wherever it may take us, and in our daily life bring honor to You. Make us one in body, mind, and spirit, to proclaim your love with steadfast hearts. Watch over those who are ill or weary, giving them strength to persevere, especially those we now name.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Prayer 419
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At San Carlos Borroméo de Carmelo Mission, Carmel-by-the-Sea.
Let us bow our knee in worship and lift up our hearts in praise. Let us seek to draw others into your embrace, O Merciful One, for You are the source of light and life. Hear our prayers and strengthen all those who call upon You.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Prayer 418
Almighty God, we thank You for our rest through the night and for sending your angels to watch over us as we slept. We thank You for your guidance through the labors of the week, for strengthening us and bearing us up for trials and triumphs we encountered.
Make us a people of love, truth, and compassion. Pour out your mercy like cool waters on the heads of those who are in anxiety or crisis. Extend your blessing like a sheltering bough over all those who work for the good of others or care for those who are ill.
Give comfort to those who call upon you, and lift up the hearts of those we now name.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Prayer 417
Loving One, You watch over us without sleeping, and we are blessed indeed.
Envelop your creation in peace and help us to turn away from sin and folly. Make us wise in your ways and joyful in your call to us. Let us work to build your kingdom, and let that work fill our hearts with joy. Watch over our children; we pray that they cling to You and your Holy Word.
Give respite to those who are sick or weary, that they may rest and be comforted in the embrace of your Holy Angels. Hear our intercessions in the name of Christ, as we keep them in our hearts today.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Prayer 416
O God, we praise you for your gift of this day; we open our arms to embrace the hope of the dawn.
O God, You are with us in winter and rejoice with us in spring; give us generous hearts warmed by your love. God calls to us in love and faithfulness through Christ, and calls us to return that love to all of God's creation.
The Lord our Maker is our protector and guide; in peace and in turmoil we rely upon our God. When our burdens cast us down, it is God who provides refuge and promises of strength and endurance.
Merciful One, shield the joyous and comfort the distressed, and rest your favor upon those we now name.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Prayer 415
Almighty God, we are blessed to serve You this day.
Turn our hands to works of compassion and mercy, that all we do may bring blessing to your name. Let not our will but your be done, O Holy One, that your kingdom come here on earth, built on justice and truth.
Give us companions to walk beside us this day, and strength for the journey that lies before us. Give us vision to see and then act, bringing healing and comfort to those in need or hope to those who are lost.
Give your angels charge over those we now name, that they may be delivered from their distress and know your presence.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Prayer 414
O Loving One, we rise from our beds to raise our spirits to You in prayer, thankful for your grace. Let us listen to the whispered call of God as the sun mounts the heavens and brings light to creation. Illumine our hearts with the love of our Savior, and let us be mindful to walk in love today.
Make us men and women for others, united in faithfulness and compassion. Let us clasp hands together in prayer for those we know are persevering through pain, suffering, anxiety or want. O Merciful God, we ask that you send your Spirit of blessing and healing upon these we now name.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Prayer 413
Eternal God, we thank you and bless you for bringing us to this day. Grant us your grace to see the path we should follow today, that we may serve you in spirit and in truth.
Make us witnesses to your way of love and generosity of spirit, and living reflections of your patience. Help us to be wise in your ways, even if we seem foolish to the eyes of the world.
Incline your ear to us, O Loving One, as we remember those whose needs and concerns we bring before You.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Prayer 412
Almighty God, we kneel before you in humble prayer: hear us, we pray.
We have sinned through our actions and our failure to act: forgive us, we pray.
We have nurtured a garden of weeds in our hearts and gathered bouquets of resentment to our breasts: forgive us, we pray.
Help us to turn away from the shoals of sin and helplessness and be guided by the light of your truth, O God. Help us rededicate ourselves to compassion, justice, and love, O Lord of All Faithfulness. Watch over us and strengthen us when we stumble, and uplift us in times of trial, pain, or suffering. Send your angels of mercy to extend your blessing over those we now name.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Prayer 411
O God, you are my portion and my cup: may I abide in your shadow forever. My spirit rests in the hands of the Lord like a finch in its nest: I am protected behind and before. Let me give myself over completely to your wisdom, O Loving One, and turn my steps from error and foolishness. I will place all my cares upon the altar of the Lord, whose mercy and provision is everlasting. I rejoice in the company of Christ: my soul takes wing upon the breath of heaven. Relying on your promises and secure in your steadfast devotion, draw our loved ones into your embrace.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Prayer 410
Be our companion and guide, O God: prove us and test us, that we may choose to live and love, hearts in sync to the music of creation.
Let us bend the knee of our hearts: help us to put away all the leaden offenses that keep us from rising to You.
Hallow our actions and hollow our souls: fill us with your goodness, for we are prone to willfulness and wandering from your side.
Open our spirits to your radiance: bear us up on a tide of compassion and grace.
Draw into your healing presence all who call to You.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Prayer 409- For Reconciliation
Almighty God, may we be marked as your own forever. Broadcast your mercy within our hearts; may they receive your guidance as a spring field absorb rain.
Let us set a table before our enemies, and be reconciled to them, as You call us back to You again and again. Help us let go of vengeance, mindful of our own sinfulness and failure to do what we know is right. Bring us out of anger into love, and out of self-righteousness into compassion. In all we do, let it be for your glory rather than our own comfort or sense of power.
Make us fierce in guarding the weakest of your children, and vigilant in prayer for those who seek You. Anoint those who call upon with the mark of love, and gather to You those for whom we pray.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Prayer 408 (Ash Wednesday)
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Graveyard, Cathedral of Michael and All Archangels, Christchurch, Barbados, 2013 |
Merciful God, we come before You, grateful for your lovingkindess and forgiveness for our manifold faults. Help us to be truly repentant for all the hurts we have caused and continue to cause. Help us to be good neighbors and good friends to those we encounter. Let us remember that we are here for but a short while, and to run the race set before us with perseverance and honor. Guide the hands and hearts of your people to strive to be worthy of proclaiming your Name. Watch over your people in their times of trial, we pray, and bless them.
Meditation on Psalm 32
Psalm 32 Page 624, BCP
Beati quorum
1 Happy are they whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sin is put away!
2 Happy are they to whom the LORD imputes no guilt,
in whose spirit there is no guile!
3 While I held my tongue, my bones withered away,
of my groaning all day long.
4 For your hand was heavy upon me day and night;
moisture was dried up as in the heat of summer.
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you,
did not conceal my guilt.
6 I said," I will confess my transgressions to the
you forgave me the guilt of my sin.
7 Therefore all the faithful will make their prayers to you
in time of trouble;
the great waters overflow, they shall not reach them.
8 You are my hiding-place;
you preserve me from trouble;
you preserve me from trouble;
surround me with shouts of deliverance.
9 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you
should go;
will guide you with my eye.
10 Do not be like horse or mule, which have no understanding;
must be fitted with bit and bridle,
or else they will not stay near you."
or else they will not stay near you."
11 Great are the tribulations of the wicked;
mercy embraces those who trust in the LORD.
12 Be glad, you righteous, and rejoice in the LORD;
for joy, all who are true of heart.
In the Roman Catholic
Church, a sacrament is defined as “an outward sign of inward grace.” The
outward sign involved in Confession is the absolution via the priest, but the
inward sign is the reconciliation of the sinner with God. It is that inward
sign that is celebrated in this psalm. In the Roman Church, regular confession
of sin (known as the Sacrament of Penance) to a priest is required at least
once a year, and after confession, penance is usually assigned. There are three
things required: a spirit of contrition; a full confession of sins, including
repeated occasions of the same sin; and being willing to make restitution or
amends via some action (normally referred to as “penance.” In this psalm we see
the first two of these elements, although no mention is made of specific acts
done to restore a sense of justice. It is that third element that eventually
led to the Protestant Reformation, as it became possible to purchase indulgences
from the Church—these were based upon the idea that good deeds could make up
for sins one had committed on the Great Balance Sheet in the Sky. Luther argued
that works alone could not atone for sin—only the free gift of grace from God
through faith in Jesus could lead to forgiveness of sins. Anglicans are not
required to go to private confession, although individuals may make
arrangements to confess to a priest if they feel it necessary. Like
Protestants, we generally hold that we can confess our sins directly to God, as
is described in this psalm.
One could argue that
this psalm supports that belief—after confession of the sins to God, the
psalmist was filled with a feeling of reconciliation and forgiveness, for which
he gives profound thanks in this psalm.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Prayer 407
O Morning Star, who reflects the brightness of our Heavenly Father, illumine our hearts with love. Bring us into your courts that we may sing your praises. You have nourished us with the wisdom from God's heavenly courts: teach us your path of compassion and gentleness. Help us to minister to aching hearts and weary souls; help us lift up those bowed down by suffering and worry. Blessed Jesus, by faith we lay our concerns before your throne. By the power of the Holy Spirit be with us and those we now name as we pray.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Prayer 406
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From the Cathedral of Notre Dame |
O God, we are travelers upon this earth which you have made. Help us treasure it and protect it in service to You.
Bring us to the gates of wisdom, and bid us enter into them, though the world counts it folly. Make us true disciples of your Son our Savior, and willing workers in the fields of justice. Let us drink deeply of your Holy Spirit, and be one people in love, animated by faith in your goodness and call to service.
Let us be light in the world and leaven for the hearts of those who are in distress. Almighty One, hear our prayers and supplications for those whose hope is in You and your loving care.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Prayer 405
O God, you are our shelter in the storm. Bring us together in spirit when weather keeps us apart. Let us meditate upon your Word, and raise our prayers to you in intercession and in thanksgiving. Watch over those who are on the roads, especially emergency workers and street crews. Merciful one, we thank you for your loving care. Comfort those whose needs we bring before You.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Prayer 404 (for healing)
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from the Musee de Cluny, Paris |
Inspire the skilled hands and hearts of doctors and nurses; spread your sheltering wings over parents and loved ones who wait for word; envelop the sick with your tender mercy and care. Bless all those in any need or concern, especially those we now name.
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