Monday, January 29, 2024

Prayer 4031

Holy One, the morning sun
burnishes all it touches,
and we rise to give you praise.
Glorious Savior, you are the bread of life,
and you nourish us with wisdom and grace
so that we may support your work of redemption:
we hunger and thirst for you alone.
Heal us of all our iniquities, we pray,
that we may be worthy bearers of your love's banner
and dedicate ourselves to living lives of integrity and justice,
inviting all into your Beloved Community.
Spirit of the Living God,
direct our paths this day,
and give your angels charge
over all who stand in need of prayer,
especially these beloveds for whom we pray.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Case for Love: Sermon for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany (Annual Meeting)

This last Tuesday, some of us throughout the diocese and all around the country attended the theatrical premiere of a documentary entitled A Case for Love(1), which examined the teachings of our own Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on the Christian call to live lives centered on what he calls “The Way of Love.”

The documentary included a handful of vignettes of ordinary people who have been transformed by the power of love—both of receiving it from others, and offering it to those they have encountered in the course of their lives. Stories included people who have fostered and adopted traumatized children; women who have been supported in leaving lives of crime and violence on the streets through the work of Thistle Farms around the country; soldiers and Marines dealing with trauma and healing it in the lives of so many; a family who had their eyes opened to racism and its effects after adopting—and later losing to cancer—a child with a different ethnicity, and more.

One story in particular which filled the heart was from Bishop Curry’s own childhood, as he grew up himself the child of an Episcopal priest. He introduced us to a pivotal figure from his own life named Josie Robbins. Ms. Robbins wasn’t even a member of the Curry family’s parish; she dropped off one of her neighbor’s children there on her way to her own Baptist church. But she heard of the pastor struggling to take care of two small children with his wife fighting cancer in a hospital miles from their home, and asked what she could do. 

Overwhelmed, he asked if she could iron a room full of clothes—they covered two twin beds in a spare room-- that he had been able to launder but not finish while juggling all his duties as priest, father, and husband. The children we told to leave her alone and remain upstairs while she lovingly worked on this task.

Then one day, Bishop Curry’s father was running late and asked if she could make the children lunch, to which she graciously agreed. She later remarked that after that lunch, young Michael pulled up a chair in the doorway and started talking to her until the moment she left for the day, and for every day afterward.

Josie Robbins was there for the Curry family when Michael’s mother later succumbed to cancer. Josie Robbins soon was taking the children to the drug store to see the parakeets and hamsters, just as they Mommy had done. She attended every recital, every graduation, every celebration. Here was a stranger who saw two children under the age of 8 and a devoted young husband who were losing their mother and their wife to a terrible disease. 

“Josie Robins is what love looks like,” Bishop Curry later recounted in his book Love Is The Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times. Through Josie Robins, love embodied in action arrived to help iron the laundry of a family in crisis, and stepped into Bishop Curry’s life as a mother figure for the rest of his life, and she remains so even to this very day (2).

In the trailer for the movie, Presiding Bishop Curry’s prophetic voice comes to us, saying: “We were made for each other, and I believe we were also made for the God who made us. And that’s the ultimate community: all of us together and the God who made us.”

In our reading from 1st Corinthians this Sunday, we have the question of whether it is lawful for Christians to eat food that has been sacrificed to idols. What’s interesting is the way that Paul frames this discussion. In vv. 1-3, which we do not get to hear in our reading, Paul starts with a discussion of which is greater: knowledge or love. 

It reminds me of a question I used to ask my middle schoolers: If you could only be one thing, would you rather be the smartest kid in school, or the kindest? It was always an interesting discussion, and often the first time they had had a discussion about values. And basically, Paul comes down with something that many of my students stated: being truly loving can have more of an impact than self-serving knowledge. The question comes down to being inwardly or outwardly focused.

The Corinthians lay out a logical argument about why, since the Greek gods do not really exist, it is permissible to eat meat from Greek temples. But Paul asks them to consider the greater good: what happens to those who SEE Christians openly eating meat sacrificed to idols? Might this lead people astray by appearing to still engage in the ways of the pagan world around them. Christian are, after all, called to live a life different, a life that even in commonplace things demonstrates their allegiance to God, not the world around them.

Paul points out that knowledge is rooted too often in the self, while love only exists in community, and love must be in a community to build it up. But love always comes first, both in time and as a priority in our relationships with God and with each other. Paul argues that even if what we do is legal, if it causes another to be led astray, the demand of love must take precedence. Could it be that the Corinthians—many of them former pagans by default cultural practice—might be unwilling to really change their lives that much even while claiming to follow Christ?

But that is a question for us as well: how much are we really willing to change in order to live out the values of Jesus in our everyday lives? And yet, by calling ourselves Christians, how we live and love—or not—is a profound testimony to the rest of the world.

We live in a world that does NOT prioritize real, self-giving love.
Yet that is exactly the main ethical demand God calls us to live by as Christians.

To live not in fear, or by vengeance, or by indifference to the suffering of others—but to live by love. Jesus calls us into community—parish, diocese, denomination, or as the universal Body of Christ, to remind us that love always comes first—from God to us, and from us to the hurting world in which we live.

A Case for Love aligns perfectly with Paul’s argument, which was Jesus’s as well, that sometimes love calls us to a higher standard than knowledge and logic alone. Knowledge may be good, but LOVE as an act of the will and freedom in the world is most important. 

As we open our parish annual meeting for this year, I invite you to consider all the ways that St. Martin’s exists not just as a community for its members—but as a sign of Christ’s love in the world. There is much to celebrate here—and everything that we do in love is ONLY possible through each and every person here. How do we all make a case for love—the love of God and love of each other—in our own lives each and every moment? And how can we continue to grow that in the days and months and years ahead?

At the end of watching A Case for Love, each viewer was challenged to engage in a thirty day challenge. We were directed to a companion website, where there are supplemental materials for deepening our engagement from being merely spectators watching a documentary to following in the footsteps of those ordinary people who were featured in the film. There is a journal for engaging for thirty days in doing one selfless act of love and recording it and reflecting upon it each day. 

I hope you will join me in starting this challenge as part of your Lenten devotion starting on Ash Wednesday--- even if you didn’t see the documentary. We will discuss this in a later adult forum. But for now, let us consider the way St. Martin’s parish, through YOUR actions and support, makes a case for love in the world every single day.


Preached at the 9:00 Holy Eucharist and Annual Meeting 2024 for St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Ellisville, MO.


1) A Case for Love, documentary film by Grace Based Films, 2024.
2) Michael Bruce Curry, Love Is The Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times, 13.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Prayer 4029: Inspired by Psalms 138-139 in the Daily Office

O God,
you are our safe harbor; our shelter and our keeper:
   we lay open our hearts before your throne.

Before I yet breathed
you knew me and had me
   within the bowl of your mercy:
in you, O God, do I trust,
for you are ever with me
in rejoicing or in travail--
   in trouble or tempest you remain steadfast.
In sundering sea or thundering wave,
   you steady me and strengthen me by your grace.

With the eyes of our hearts
may we see your imprint in the world around us,
O Redeemer and Lover of Our Souls,
that we may tell out your goodness in the world
   in all we do or say.

Cast the mantle of your presence, Lord Christ,
over all those who call upon you for help,
especially those for whom we pray.


Friday, January 26, 2024

Prayer 4028: Inspired by John 6:1-15

Blessed Savior,
who in the feeding of the five thousand
showed how even a little is more than enough,

place your hand over us and bless us
who have a little faith but a great hunger
to imitate your fidelity and generosity;

who have a little understanding but a great need
to walk in your integrity and wisdom;

who have a little strength but a great desire
to emulate your loving dedication to freeing all
from oppression, denigration, and injustice.

May we offer our little to you,
trusting that it will be transformed into enough,
made great by your love and redemption.

Holy One, may we walk the good road of your mercy,
and bring our hearts into alignment by your love and grace.
Grant your comfort and blessing
to those whom we now name.


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Prayer 4027: For Christian Unity

Creating God,
we rise beneath your spangled heavens,
the filigree of stars and constellations designed in your wisdom,
and we center ourselves in your love.

You weave together all that is
and charge and entrust us with serving and tending
this delicate, bountiful planet;
you knit together all peoples in one common tapestry;
the art of your creation fills us with wonder and awe.
You laid out a path of integrity and reconciliation
in the footprints of the Savior you send
to live among us and draw us closer to You.

All the works of your hand testify to your glory:
may the gravity and force of your Spirit
move over the deeps of our hearts
that we may stirred up to live by your precept of compassion.

May all who commit themselves to the Way of Jesus
live in amity and charity with each other,
and with all who seek to live lives worthy of You.

Gather into the vault of your mercy and compassion
all those who cry out to You, O Most High,
and give your angels charge
over those for whom we pray this day.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Prayer 4026: Inspired by the Life of Florence Li Tim-Oi

Almighty God,
we worship and praise you this day,
and seek your will in our lives.
Inspire us by the example of your servant Florence,
who humbly accepted your call to minister
even in the midst of war and oppression,
bringing your sacraments to her people
that their faith and hope be nourished.
Give us the courage to feed the hungry, clothe the naked,
shelter the unhoused, landcare for the ill
as bravely and as selflessly,
even in defiance of tyrants,
and grant the warmth of your comforting embrace
to those for whom we pray.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Prayer 4025: Inspired by John 5:1-18 in the Daily Office

God of Compassion,
we praise you and bless you,
tuning our hearts to sing your praise and presence
in all that we do or say this day.

Lord Christ, you healed whenever there was a need,
seeing the suffering and acting without hesitation:
may we also fill our hearts to overflowing
with the desire to act in the name of love and restoration
giving of ourselves freely for the healing of the world.

Make us steadfast in our commitment to your gospel,
and faithful to your example of compassion and generosity,
inspired by your faith in us to live lives of grace,
walking in paths of mercy and joyful service.

Grant your benediction over all who call out to you,
O Worker of Wonders,
and place the kiss of your blessing
upon those we now name.


Monday, January 22, 2024

Prayer 4024: For Awakening and Compassion

O God Of Justice and Mercy,
we humbly sit before you,
opening our hearts to hear your Word
and walk in your commandments.

Awaken us, O Savior,
where we numb ourselves to the needs of others,
that we may reclaim your empowering Spirit.

Trouble us, O God,
that we may be awakened to speak out
against the silences that breed injustice and oppression,
against the contempts that lay waste to our hearts.

May we trust in you, O Merciful One,
enough to place our hand in yours,
and make our lives living testaments to your grace and truth.

May we employ each breath
in the service of reconciliation and healing,
hearing the voice of Christ in the cry of the forsaken.

May we make our hearts a tabernacle for your presence,
O Spirit of Compassion,
and our lives an oblation of courageous service to You, O God,
as we pray for the special needs of those around us.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Off the Hook: Sermon for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany B

Many of you have probably heard the old Chinese proverb: Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.

It’s a beautiful sentiment. But I have also seen the truth of its corollary: Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and he will be gone the entire weekend.

There’s a lot of fishiness in this week’s readings, and hopefully, we are hooked into trying to learn more.

We start with just a snippet from the Book of Jonah. It’s unusual among the prophetic books. There are very few prophecies of his included. Instead it is a narrative of Jonah’s life. His life as a prophet is unique because in this book he is sent not to the people of Israel to correct their sins and shortcomings, but to the people of Israel’s oppressor—specifically, to the great city of Nineveh. A city Jonah hates, because it is the capital of Israel’s enemies, the Assyrians. So when Jonah is told by God to go offer his enemies salvation, he adamantly refuses and does everything he can to avoid it. I mean, a prophet who defies God. That’s some chutzpah. But in the end, to Nineveh he does go, and converts them with a single sentence. And in doing so, he learns that God’s mercy is wider than the widest sea.

In Mark’s gospel, which is notorious for using the word “immediately” dozens of times, Jesus converts two pairs of brothers with a single sentence, too. As I discussed this gospel with the vestry the other night, some of us contrarians reflected that the idea of fishing for people can seem rather negative. This image implies, after all, that maybe people should be baited, or hooked, or caught against their will. Fishing works by fooling the fish, or sneaking up on them unawares, after all. Not to mention the fact that fishing for a living, rather than when one does it as a hobby, is backbreaking work with no guarantee of success—and desperate, too, when fishing is a matter of survival.

When we survey the scope of scripture, being caught in a net is almost always a negative thing. A net is almost always portrayed as a trap. In the psalms, a net is what your enemies lay out to trip you up, to ensnare you. With that in mind, the idea of “fishing for people” can be seen as manipulative.

And sure, there are some faith communities that use gimmicks to ensnare people. There’s the obvious things, like offering childcare—I used to know a lot of parents who would send their kids to a local church in east Tulsa because it had a fleet of old school buses that would drive through the neighborhoods, and they could send the kids off to this church and get a couple of hours to themselves while the church kept the kids busy on a Sunday morning. I know other churches that advertise coffee bars, and climbing walls, and even Mixed Martial Arts bouts and fashion shows, or who play to the very attractive idea that those who DON’T belong to the church are losers, outsiders, cast off from God—like God’s love is an exclusive offer to only the right sort of people. Then there are churches where people go to make business connections, or to be “seen”—a story as old as time.

This week’s readings continue last week’s theme of being called by God and the mutual recognition that is involved in call, as we are given more depictions of being called by God and the various ways we can respond.

To review: we could respond with innocent eagerness, like the boy-prophet Samuel last week.

We can respond with skepticism, like Nathanael did last week in John’s gospel.

We can respond with a desperate and angry “NO!” until one gets FORCED to surrender, as in Jonah’s story--and surrender he does, but he resents the hell out of being forced to offer a chance for repentance to his most hated enemies.

Or we can respond with shocking abruptness, like our two sets of brothers in our reading from Mark. Here we see them drop everything that they are doing—leaving behind bewildered (and undoubtedly angry) fathers and unmended nets and following this stranger with a handful of words.

I don’t know about everyone else, but for me, choices two and three have definite relevance for my life. After all, saying yes to God sometimes means ceding control, letting God’s will triumph over our own will. And there are few things more unsettling and potentially scary than that. We live in a culture, after all, in which sacrifice, compromise, joyful obedience and being malleable are seen as signs of weakness, signs of being a patsy. We have been conditioned, after all, to always seek to win—to demand “What’s in this for me?”—and the way our churches are set up can be no different.

So maybe that’s why some of us feel sorry for those poor fish-people. Visions of that scene in Finding Nemo might be flashing through your mind’s eye right now—the one where poor little Nemo has been caught in the net of the trawler along with hundreds of other fish, and they panic at the prospect of their impending doom as the net inexorably cranks upward.

But Jesus’s Good News never starts by tricking or guilting people into conversion and repentance. Jesus’s Good News, one that we are called to proclaim and embody, emphasizes living a life of discipleship rather than an emphasis on how to suffer through life until you get a reward of heaven when you die. My life was hard enough growing up. “Get used to it, kid,” or, a million times worse, smugly being told “It’s all God’s will” in answer to the real deprivations and chaos in which I grew up did NOT entice me into feeling like I was on the winning end of a bargain.

Jesus met people where they were, and invited them into relationship by being spiritually and intellectually welcoming. Again and again, he invites us to bring our questions and our doubts and not be rejected or shamed for them. And the places in my youth that operated with baiting nets and condemning some people as “garbage” worthy only of destruction when they got caught in God’s net did not appeal to me one bit.

In calling us, Jesus doesn’t offer us a bargain. In calling us, Jesus offers us our lives.

Rather than vengeance and punishment, Jesus calls us to mercy and grace. Rather than a transactional mindset like the rest of the world around us, run by merciless parameters like “dog eat dog” and “take advantage of others before they take advantage of you,” Jesus’s Good News is instead an orientation toward compassion and helping others without stopping to refuse those who were deemed “unworthy.” An emphasis on helping the struggling rather than ignoring their struggles or seeing those struggles as “God’s will.” A proclamation of how Jesus’s incarnation is meant to remind us of how precious we are in God’s sight, rather than how fallen and corrupt the material world is—and letting Christians off the hook from trying to make the broken places in the world better.

It's a question of emphasis. As our gospel passage begins, Jesus is walking along the shores of Galilee proclaiming GOOD NEWS. Good news, of mercy and grace, rather than suffering and smiting. That’s what entices people to leave the nets that have ensnared them and follow Jesus.

We can hear Jesus’s call with a different emphasis.

Instead of “Follow me, and I will make you fish for PEOPLE.”
What if we heard, “Follow me, and I will make you fish FOR people.” 

To live for others, to live for God, and in doing so, living lives that really matter.

Jesus calls Simon and Andrew and James and John and you and me to actively join with him in proclaiming the Good News to those we encounter in OUR lives. To take stock of what God’s love does for us in each moment, and to be so overjoyed we share that love with others. And that’s how we get out of the net and off the hook, and instead live lives of richness and abundance.

Jesus’s call to us, as disciples, is to not to trap people in our nets, but to leave the nets and the manipulations and seek reconciliation and good news for ALL.

Jesus’s call to us, as disciples, is to have faith in God’s love for us—and for our own ability to share that love in a world that DESPERATELY needs it. Immediately.

Preached at the 505 on January 20 and the 8:30 and 10:30 Eucharists on January 21 at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Ellisville. MO.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Prayer 4020: Being Centered in Grace

O God Our Maker, Our Home,
this day unfurls before us:
let us anchor it in praise to You,
ground it in faithfulness and grace,
our vision sparked by gratitude, not grievance,
that we may have a taste of your heavenly banquet.

O God Our Shepherd, Our Guide:
this hour offers itself to us,
redolent with possibility:
let us devote it to manifesting your goodness
by the purity of our actions and words,
holding fast with integrity to your Word,
nourishing the hungry, welcoming the stranger,
and tending the soul-weary around us.

O God Our Shield, Our Promontory:
this moment calls to us:
let use our breath to breathe our prayers to you,
rising with the song of birds,
singing their way home,
that in faithfulness and confidence
we may center ourselves and those we love in you
as we pray.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Prayer 4019

Almighty God, Source of All Blessing,
we turn to you in faith and trust,
inviting your Spirit into our hearts.

May we make our way steadfast and blameless
in walking in your holy Law, O God.
that we may radiate your compassion
into the world around us.

Place the balm of your blessing over all creation,
O Steadfast One,
over all in need of peace or comfort,
over those who seek you
with a wordless, unformed longing
as we pray.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Prayer 4018-- beginning the 12th year of the Mutual Prayer Circle

inspired by Psalm 26 from this morning's Daily Office

Sheltering God, Companion in Love,
we praise you and raise our hearts in offering:
center us in your mercy and grace, we pray.

May our actions as your children ever honor your holy name.
May we cling fast to your law of love,
making no compromise with the deceitful,
nor align ourselves with the wicked,
the plotters of evil or the givers of bribes.

Instead, may we walk each step
in paths of righteousness and humility,
that we may be worthy to stand before you
with integrity and peace in our hearts,
united by your love and grace.

May we embody wisdom, shalom, and lovingkindness,
making our lives a celebration and testimony
of the beauty of your word and statutes.

Draw all who wander or search
into the warmth of your embrace, O Most High,
and place the shield of your mercy 
over those for whom we pray.


Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Call for All: Sermon for 2nd Sunday after Epiphany B

This morning I had a decision to make: should we go ahead with in-person worship, or should we go online? The bitter cold outside and the safety of everyone was my overriding concern—but then I feared that if I decided to call off in-person worship, some people would not get the message. Even if I tried to call people, I was afraid some would not get the call—or take the call, if they didn’t recognize my number.

Then I laughed to myself, because the theme of calling runs all through our scripture choices this morning. In this season of Epiphany, we are drawn through our readings to see how God was manifest in the life of Christ to both Jew and Gentile alike. But this week, and actually next week, we are led to a deeper consideration: how are WE manifestly known, treasured, and called into partnership by God? This, too, is a vital question that the season of Epiphany calls us to explore.

First of all, our readings encourage us to consider WHO God calls into partnership. It can be someone who is so young that they do not even KNOW God’s voice, as with the child Samuel. We see throughout scripture that God knows us better than we know ourselves—and loves us intimately because of and sometimes in spite of that knowledge.

The portion of Psalm 139 that we read this morning reminds us of exactly that—that because God created each of us, God knows us to our very core. And as beautiful as the verses we hear today are, the part that is omitted is even more precious:

6 Where can I go then from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
7 If I climb up to heaven, you were there;
If I make the grave my bed, you were there also.
8 If I take the wings of the morning
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
9 Even there your hand will lead me
And your right hand hold me fast.

Even the reading from 1 Corinthians, which normally I would not want to touch with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole, supports the day’s theme by reminding us that what we do in front of others as self-professed Christians not only affects the Church, but reflects back upon what the world thinks about Jesus. We are, as St. Francis and many other saints insisted, the only Christ, most people will see. Part of our call as Christians is to exemplify the life for others that Jesus embodied with every single breath.

In our gospel, we again see a call narrative: the calling of Philip and Nathanael as disciples of Jesus. John’s gospel is the only one that lists Nathanael as one of the apostles. The other gospels mention Bartholomew in Nathanael’s place, so some scholars wonder if they are not the same person. It certainly is common that people in the Bible have multiple names: Abram-Abraham; Jacob- Israel; Simon-Peter; Saul-Paul, just off the top of my head. So it’s possible.

Nathanael at first fails to understand who Jesus is, just as the boy Samuel misunderstood who was calling him and speaking to him. Yet Jesus tells Nathanael that he had “seen” Nathanael under a fig tree, and this causes Nathanael to believe that Jesus DOES have the special powers that the Messiah would have. Just as in our psalm, we have Jesus as the Son of God claiming to know a person intimately, even though he and Nathanael had never met. Once again, we see God through Jesus reaching out to us and seeking us, knowing us even better than we know ourselves. The image of the ladder reinforces that our relationship with God is a two-way street. God calls to us, but we can choose to respond or not.

One of the reminders we have here in all of our readings is that whatever we hear or know about God comes first from God. Without God’s initiative, we would know nothing about God. Our own reason alone will not lead us to that understanding—in fact, depending on reason alone can lead us in exactly the opposite direction if we believe that reason works in opposition to faith (an incorrect assumption, but nevertheless the point holds).

Of course, fitting with the theme of Epiphany, this reading is about various people having a sudden understanding or revelation of who exactly Jesus is. But there’s another, important discovery being made here. In each of this week’s readings, God calls out to us as much as we recognize God.

We are assured in each of our readings today that God knows us, better than we know ourselves. And in knowing us, God sees in us our potential to share in God’s work of reconciliation and redemption.

The great Jewish teacher and rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote a wonderful book after a lifetime of study. It was called God in Search of Man. The title was meant to startle us by the order of the words—it wasn’t “Man in Search of God.” Instead, Rabbi Heschel pointed out that throughout scripture, it is always God that seeks us—and too often, it is US who hide, or run away, or evade, or stop up our ears or our hearts. And when we do that, we inevitably come unmoored. We lose our way. We make compromise and prevaricate against doing what is right in favor of doing what is easy. We stop listening for God’s call to us to use our lives to God’s glory. And that is the start of the slide toward evils both small and great.

The 20th century, after all, with its terrible cataclysms that rocked the world, including the Holocaust as the most glittering example of the dangers of humanity’s technological prowess operating free of ethical or moral constraints, led to an actual movement called the “God is Dead” movement in some intellectual circles.  Yet those evils were the result of us abandoning God, not God abandoning us.

Sometimes bad things just happen. But more often, bad things happen, and they happen because of choices that have been made by humans and human societies. The most dangerous examples throughout history occur when people are convinced that they themselves cannot make a difference and blind themselves to the consequences of their inactivity. When we see suffering or danger, but we convince ourselves there is nothing we can do, we acclimate ourselves rather than exercising the agency God has given us. Rather than asking “Where is God?” when trials or cataclysms happen all around us, what would happen if we instead asked ourselves, “Where are we?”

Always, always, there’s a reminder that in our journey through life, the biggest obstacle most of us have to overcome is ourselves. Our fears. Our doubts. Our lack of faith in both God and in ourselves, especially when it comes to making a real difference in the world.

Epiphany reminds us that God realized that being WITH us was not enough. God came into this world as Jesus and became ONE of us in God’s search for us. When we couldn’t hear God’s voice calling us in nature or in history or in law or in scripture, God became one of us, in the hopes that we would hear the voice of God calling us into relationship. Relationship with God, and each other, in order that we would make a real difference in the world. In order to truly be children and disciples of God.

We may believe we are not worthy of being called by God—that’s completely normal. We may think what good we might try to do doesn’t matter. But that’s exactly the opposite of why God became incarnate in Jesus and came to show us the way to live.

When God calls to us, God empowers us to step into our status as beloved children of God. Where we once believed ourselves powerless, or disconnected, we are changed. The overall call we hear from God as God’s children is to a new identity with new possibilities, a new understanding of ourselves. That new understanding is predicated upon God’s knowledge of and love for us, asking us to open up our eyes to have an epiphany in our understanding of ourselves as well as of our understanding of God. When Jesus calls to us, we are really being called to see ourselves in a new light, in a new way.

Epiphany is not just about Jesus being recognized as the Messiah and the Son of God. It is also about people throughout history who have listened to and heard the call of God to a life of love, compassion, reconciliation, and healing. It’s a time when we are called to remember that Jesus’s call to US is not to be simply spectators, but to BE members of a Beloved Community that encompasses all people and all of creation—to be people who work for the common good, having faith that God sees us, knows, us, and makes us partners in this world-changing work, even if we simply do so one small action or kindness at a time.

And how each and every one of us are being called by God in every moment is a vital question to ask ourselves during this weekend in which we celebrate the life and calling of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We celebrate his life as a catalyst for equality at a time when most of this country accepted the separation and oppression of others based on the color of their skin.

But especially as Christians, we must NEVER forget that every single thing the Rev. Dr. King did was not just as a civil rights leader, but as a person whose life was directed and formed by his faith in God and by his response to God’s calling to him. And that is why, at the start of his leading others to fight for the freedom and equality of all people, Dr. King grounded his leadership in prayer.

How is God calling you, and us, right now to embody the life of Christ in our lives, in our choices, in our common life together here at St. Martin’s? Let us hear and share this prayer of the Rev. Dr. King’s:

O God, our gracious heavenly Father,
We thank thee for the inspiration of Jesus the Christ,
who came to this world to show us the way.
And grant that we will see in that life
the fact that we are made for that
which is high and noble and good.
Help us to live in line with that high calling, that great destiny.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Preached at the 505 on January 13 and at the 10:30 Holy Eucharist on January 14, 2024, at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Ellisville, MO


1) Prayer from “Thou, Dear God:” Prayers That Open Hearts and Spirits (King Legacy Book 6), p. 63.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Prayer 4015

Most Holy God,
we turn our eyes to the rising sun,
and our hearts to your commandments.

May we dedicate ourselves to your instruction
to love one another as You love us;
to turn aside from war to be makers of peace;
to seek reconciliation and healing
in our relationships with God and each other.

Strengthen us in compassion and mercy;
give us a delight and awe at your handiwork all around us;
help us to tread gently upon this earth
and as companions in your Way of Love and Justice.

Spread the canopy of your protection, we pray,
over all who turn to you for help, O Most Holy,
especially for those we now name.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Prayer 4014

Tender Creator,
whose hand has cradled us
through the hours and dreams of the night,
shelter and shepherd us
as we carry your good news into the world this day.

Make us seekers of wisdom,
reflectors of light to those who wander,
companions to those who are isolated.

Make our lives a living prayer of praise and gratitude,
and a testimony to your grace and hope.
Make our hearts a fertile field for your truth
that we may be fruitful in our service
to You and to others, Most Holy God.

Beloved Savior,
the creation is resplendent with your glory,
your abundant love dazzles
from greening trees and children's laughter
and the generous hearts of elders.

Come, Holy Spirit,
endow our spirits with courage and hope,
and place your hand of blessing over those
for whom we now pray.
