Saturday, September 30, 2017
Prayer, day 1709
O God, your steadfast love shields us behind and before:
may our song of praise illuminate our day.
Give us that wisdom and love
that helps us build your kingdom, Lord Christ.
Let us never forget that where wisdom and love meet,
there is justice and peace.
Let us advocate for our sisters and intercede for our brothers,
uniting our voices in the name of compassion and hope.
We pray especially for these needs and concerns on our hearts today.
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Friday, September 29, 2017
Prayer, day 1708: Michaelmas (The Feast of St. Michael and All Archangels)
Almighty One, we rise to worship You, and praise your saving help in all creation. Send your angels, O Holy God, to spread your message of peace and hope into the darkest corners of the human heart.
Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us and grant that we walk in peace and faithfulness forever. Walk with us this day, O God, that we may not wander from paths of righteousness. Lord Jesus, be with those who weep, suffer, and mourn, and grant them your comfort and peace, we pray.
Let us gather in the house of the Lord, our eternal home, and lift up our hopes and prayers in faithfulness. Merciful God, accept our offered prayers from the depths of our hearts, especially for these beloveds.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Prayer 1706: filled with light
even as the shades of night are lifted.
May we nurture your radiance within us, Lord,
and recognize it within all that surrounds us.
May your wisdom, O God, dawn in our hearts,
and guide our feet into paths of peace and justice.
May we use our hands to heal, not hurt,
and may we work for reconciliation and unity.
May we ever seek to fill the empty spaces within us
and within our communities
with compassion and generosity.
May we grow green and strong in the courts of the Holy,
and bear the fruit of mercy abundantly.
God of Grace, Light of Light, we open our hearts to You:
in your tender love grant us your peace as we pray.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Prayer, day 1705
as the morning mist,
that we may praise You in each moment of this day.
Forgive us our sins and pride,
and convert us anew to love and service,
we humbly pray.
Dwell within our hearts, Lord Jesus,
and help us make them into a temple worthy of your mercy.
Give us the grace to serve You fully, Lord,
and carry your gospel into the world in all we do.
Give us strength to seek out your path
nd walk in your ways in love and service.
Crown the spirits
of those hurting, anxious, or oppressed
with your blessing, O Holy One,
especially those we now name.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Prayer, day 1704
Light of Life, Love of All Loves,
hear our prayers, and hallow our ways.
We arise from our rest
with the seal of God's protection upon us,
and gratitude fills our hearts and our mouths.
Let our tongues sing out the glory of God,
who dawns upon us and provides light for our ways.
O Holy One, we rest within your embrace,
and put our trust in You,
for you have claimed us and delivered us.
Give us compassion for all living beings,
that we tread reverently upon the earth.
Strengthen us in walking your paths of mercy and humility,
just as we pray to receive mercy and forgiveness.
O God, we lift up the needs
of all those disquieted in body, mind, heart, or spirit:
let your blessing rest upon them.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Prayer 1703: The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Most Merciful One,
we gather this day around your altars,
intent on hearing your call to unity and justice as your children.
Let us make melody in the praise of our God,
and remember the common bonds we bear in your image.
Let us rejoice in the labors you give us, O Lord,
and glory in each moment we work for your kingdom.
Help us bend the arc of history toward justice,
and stand for those oppressed in body, mind, or spirit.
Let us remember your justice is restorative,
and tell out the fruits of grace in our lives.
Lord Jesus, transform us and reconcile us,
and heal and comfort those whose needs we lift up.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Prayer, day 1702: on the first full day of autumn
O God of All Creation,
hear us as we draw near to You,
and place our hearts at your feet.
For the long green season that is closing,
and in expectation of cooling nights and turning leaves,
we thank You, O Lord.
For the joy of children and the wonder of the innocent
in helping us to see your world anew,
we thank You, O Lord.
For the blessing of work for your service,
and the constellations of companions whose fellowship lightens the load,
we thank You, O Lord.
For the wrongs we have done to others
or to You, Loving One,
that we may repent and seek reconciliation,
we pray to You, O Lord.
For all our enemies in word or deed,
that their hearts may be turned,
and we may forgive,
we pray You, O Lord.
For those living in times of fire and storm,
who struggle to stay above the rising tide of anxiety,
we pray to You, O Lord.
For those whose needs we remember before You
throughout this day, especially those we now name.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Prayer 1701- On the first day of autumn
still our minds that we may abide in your care today.
Grant your blessing to all our labors
that we may praise you and testify to your glory
in all we do.
May we preach reconciliation and hope to the despairing,
restoring the broken places within and among us.
The Earth turns toward autumn radiance
as a child turns on his bed in sleep,
subsiding into a time of rest.
Grant us that peace in our hearts and our ways:
'comfort the weary and give them repose and recovery.
Rest the hand of your blessing and healing
upon those whose cares we lay before You, O God.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Prayer, day 1700- For Rosh Hoshana
All-Merciful, Beneficent One,
we thank you for this new day
and new year You have given us.
May we dedicate ourselves
to strengthening the bonds of love and friendship
that hold us in orbit around each other.
May we be determined
to heal where there is division,
to comfort where there is sorrow,
and to forgive where there is injury.
May we be mirrors
to reflect the light and beauty of your Truth
into the world.
May we seek righteousness without self-righteousness,
and walk humbly with our God and our neighbors.
May our prayers and praises rise before You,
as we lift up those whose trust is in You, Loving One.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Prayer, day 1699
Lord God, Heavenly King, we praise You for your mercy and loving-kindness in bringing us to this day.
May we labor with humility in your service, O God, going forth with joy, carrying our sheaves.
May we acknowledge our wrongs and turn from our errors, seeking reconciliation with penitent hearts.
May we plant justice in the heart of every nation, and let our lives tell out the wondrous grace of your love.
May we rejoice in your creation, and walk gently upon the earth, tending it in gentleness and gratitude.
In your tender love, lean over us and guide us, O Holy One, holding us in the hollow of your hand. We ask your blessing upon those we now name.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Prayer 1698: for justice and unity
Almighty God, our Protector and Help,
we lift our hearts in thankfulness
for your care of us through the night.
Your blessings to us are without number:
even our breath is a gift from You, O Holy One.
Let us use our breath
to proclaim your mercy and peace in the world,
and work to restore our broken relationships.
Give us strength and wisdom
to embody your redemption to the lost,
and your hope to conquer despair and fear.
Help us to put our trust in You, O God,
in your promises of mercy, grace, and healing.
Let us treat each other with forbearance and compassion,
in a spirit of humility and charity.
Lead us to break the chains of violence
which we have forged through our actions
or our silence.
Help us take up your call
to heal the broken places in ourselves
and in each other
through your Love revealed to us.
Let us join hands in faith in your promises,
and sing our prayer:
"Let there be peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me."
Almighty God, we rest in your embrace:
help us to embrace all those who call upon You,
especially those we now name.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Prayer, day 1697
O God, we rise to give thanks
for your mercy and protection
spread as a canopy over us today.
May our prayers ascend to you
and our hearts be drawn to You,
for You are our God and Savior.
May we turn aside from selfishness and envy,
and seek forgiveness from those we have wronged.
May we remember our unity with all creation;
may our hearts be joined in love and fellowship.
Place your hand of blessing upon the crown of our heads;
consecrate us to your service today.
Hold us fast within the embrace of your love and wisdom;
guide us in the paths of justice and compassion.
Give your peace which surpasses all understanding
to those we now name.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Prayer for New Ministry
Holy Spirit, pour out your fire
upon the people of the Church of St. Martin
and upon their new rector, Pamela Dolan,
as they begin their ministry together today.
May she preach your Word among them faithfully,
and lead them into even greater discernment and witness
of God's loving embrace
of all the human family.
May they nurture each other in faith and holy wisdom,
working with compassionate hands and hearts
for the healing and renewal of God's sacred creation.
May they seek to continue to serve Christ in all persons,
and inspire others by their love and delight
in walking the path of discipleship.
May they uphold each other
as they join this new ministry together
and pray for each other,
committing their hearts and talents to each other
for the glory of God.
Made one body by the holy gift of love and grace,
may they together proclaim your gospel joyfully
and witness to the saving power of Christ
in their community and in the world.
Grant your favor and blessing, Lord Jesus,
upon her family as they are welcomed into their new home:
may they be embraced
and supported by the fabric of community,
and flourish in the new soil in which You have placed them.
Holy One, bless and keep Pamela, your priest,
and anoint her with the power of the Holy Spirit
that she may continue to guide your people deeper
into our shared life in Christ.
Prayer 1696: Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Lord Christ, you called us to forgive from our hearts,
without reservation:
lead us to reconciliation with
and empathy for each other.
Open our hearts to acknowledge
the wrongs we do each other each day
and grant us the courage
to treat each other with love and compassion.
May we repent of the barriers we erect
within our hearts and minds
against those different from us.
May we forgive each other
for the times we have exploited each other
or denied your goodness
in those we have judged less worthy.
As we gather around your altar today, O God,
remind us of your call to love
and the grace You freely bestow upon us.
May we reflect that mercy back into our communities,
examine our faults
and acknowledge our sins,
and work to heal our divisions.
Teach us to support each other
as we all seek our way
that we may grow and learn in faith.
Gather us in one fellowship,
nourished by Christ,
sharing one bread and one cup
lifting up each other's cares as we pray together.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Prayer 1695: for justice
Lord Jesus, come into our hearts and minds,
for we seek to walk in your way.
Guide us into the way of peace and justice, O Christ,
led by your example of love, life, and compassion.
Be with those who mourn and despair, Lord,
with those whose humanity is denied.
Then strengthen us to stand together, O God,
against the forces of violence and death.
We cast ourselves before you, O Savior:
let our cry come to you.
Let your healing love wash over us and fill us,
reminding us again of how you call us to live.
Lord Jesus, we lay our cares before you:
grant your peace to our prayers.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Prayer 1694
Abide with and within us, Lord Christ:
guide us as we seek to walk your path of holiness.
May we offer healing love and mercy
to those who ask our help,
remembering your abundant grace we receive, O God.
May we stand in compassion and solidarity
with the poor and oppressed, Lord,
remembering that you call us to bear each other's burdens.
May we walk in gentleness and humility upon the earth,
caring for creation with gratitude and tenderness.
Holy One, be our companion and stay,
and pour out your blessing upon those we now name.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Prayer 1693: On Holy Cross Day
you stretched wide your arms on the cross
to embrace all creation: hear our prayer.
We lay our thanksgivings before you:
you bear us up in your saving love.
Strengthen us to be one in heart and mind, Lord Christ,
united by your sacrifice for our salvation.
Help us to take up our cross, O Holy One,
and serve each other in joy and humility.
Reconcile us to God and each other
that we open ourselves to your life-giving Spirit.
Redeemed, restored, and reconciled
we give thanks to You, O God,
whose love never fails.
Tenderly draw us within your embrace, Almighty One,
especially those whose needs we lay before You.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Flourishing Anyway: Speaking to the Soul, September 13, 2017
![]() |
Vincent Van Gogh, The Olive Trees, June 1889 |
Sometimes there are passages with which we all struggle, or
that bring back bad memories. In the two-year cycle of readings for morning and
evening prayer, the worshipper will cycle through most of the so-called Old
Testament once, and the vast majority of the New Testament twice. The Psalms
are read on a seven week cycle, so that means one reads most of the psalter
seven times a year. You would think on a schedule like that, especially after a
number of years, there would be few surprises in store. But when you consider that
we also follow a three-year lectionary cycle for Sundays, you can end up with
endless combinations of scripture to contemplate during the week, as my friend
and mentor Dan reminded me in class one day. And the amazing thing about
scripture is that there is always something new there. Scripture truly is like
living water: just as you can’t step into the same river twice, scripture also
rolls through our lives and refreshes it in unexpected ways.
On Monday, a day already fraught with sadness and tragedy, I
groaned aloud when I saw that Psalms 41 and 52 were scheduled for that morning.
To be honest, almost every time I see Psalm 41 I groan to myself a bit. Through
its first eight verses, the psalmist’s plea for protection from God and mention
of enemies are standard fare. But when it gets to naming the betrayal by a
beloved companion—a theme even more pointed in Psalm 55-- that’s when I often feel
my heart begin to sink.
Like most people, including the psalmist, I have suffered
incidents of betrayal and pain by those I held most dear. The raw emotion that
pours from the page in these psalms is so powerful because it comes from a
place that resonates so deeply in our own lives these thousands of years later.
Sometimes, it’s just hard to get to that perspective if the emotional context
of the day is already heightened, yet I know if I can get there to that sense
of catharsis there will be blessing. There have been times I have read the end
of Psalms 41 and 55 with tears welling behind my eyes, and I was hoping that
Monday, the 16th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, would not
be one of those days.
Yet, the beauty of scripture is how it can lead us afresh to
new life as well as help us to express our deepest pain and fears. I slogged
through Psalm 41 and almost wearily began Psalm 52, which also starts off
strongly denouncing betrayal and evil deeds by a person with power. Yet I then
remembered that this psalm also contains one of my most beloved images of God’s
grace and mercy:
But I am like a green olive tree in the house
of God;
I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
I will give you thanks for what you have done
and declare the goodness of your Name in the presence of the godly.
I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
I will give you thanks for what you have done
and declare the goodness of your Name in the presence of the godly.
These two psalms placed together remind us that lamentation
in the face of betrayal can help us move to forgiveness—the kind of forgiveness
that restores the perspective and allows us to remember that, even in times of
trial, God is a God of abundant love and mercy. Olive trees are themselves a
sign of abundance: their olives can be used as food, or pressed to make fine
oil for cooking, or for burning in lamps for light, or for anointing those
chosen and beloved of God. They provide their abundance even when impatient
humans harvest them not by climbing into their branches and raking out their
fruit but by shaking them violently or beating them with sticks. They provide
cooling shade with their evergreen leaves for both human and animal, and
habitat for the birds who can rest in their branches.
Olive trees can live for hundreds of years, because I am
told that certain of them, even if cut down, send up new growth from the
root-stock. This tenacious clinging to life may be one of the reasons why it
was an olive branch that the dove released by Noah brought back after the flood
had subsided, telling him that creation was again bearing fruit even after
terrible destruction. Olive trees therefore are a sign of eternal life and
eternal compassion, of the goodness of creation as a sign of God’s provision
for us in times of devastation as well as times of plenty. To be a green olive
tree in the house of God is to participate in God’s restoration of creation and
reconciliation with all the earth.
Lamentation and anger are natural responses to being wronged
and betrayed, these psalms remind us, and giving vent to these reactions helps
us to eventually remember that hurts that we have received still cannot
displace us from our ability to live in compassion and generosity as children
of God. As I marveled at this precious image buried within this pair of psalms,
I began to lean into the healing promise of this ancient image, forming my own
prayer of thanksgiving and intercession as I continued to ponder this gift I
had been given.
Lord Jesus,
we praise and bless You,
and kneel before You in gratitude.
Let us open ourselves to your will
for love and true peace, O Holy One,
that your power may work in us
for the sake of healing and unity.
Help us to release the burdens
of past hurts that we still bear, O Healer,
that wound us still in memory and spirit.
Make us instead
like green olive trees in your courts, O God,
upright and resilient before the storm.
Send deep our roots into your Word, Lord,
and let us draw wisdom
from your Law of Love.
Holy One, make us bearers of life and hope,
of goodness and abundant grace,
fed and nourished by your mercy
flourishing in our lives.
Help us spread wide our arms,
offering evergreen respite from the heat of day
to all who seek You,
Our God and Mother.
Precious Savior, your blessings pour over us:
anoint us to your service this day.
Grant your comfort to those
whose cares weigh upon our hearts,
as we lay them before You.
we praise and bless You,
and kneel before You in gratitude.
Let us open ourselves to your will
for love and true peace, O Holy One,
that your power may work in us
for the sake of healing and unity.
Help us to release the burdens
of past hurts that we still bear, O Healer,
that wound us still in memory and spirit.
Make us instead
like green olive trees in your courts, O God,
upright and resilient before the storm.
Send deep our roots into your Word, Lord,
and let us draw wisdom
from your Law of Love.
Holy One, make us bearers of life and hope,
of goodness and abundant grace,
fed and nourished by your mercy
flourishing in our lives.
Help us spread wide our arms,
offering evergreen respite from the heat of day
to all who seek You,
Our God and Mother.
Precious Savior, your blessings pour over us:
anoint us to your service this day.
Grant your comfort to those
whose cares weigh upon our hearts,
as we lay them before You.
(This was originally posted on the Episcopal Cafe's Speaking to the Soul on September 13, 2017.)
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