Thursday, September 10, 2020

Prayer, day 2784: as we remember those killed and injured by the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks

Loving God, 
You show us through the glorious Trinity 
the way of mutual love that leads to action: 
hear our prayers, we pray. 

That we may place no bonds upon each other 
but the bonds of love, equality, and peace, 
we pray You, O God. 

That we may be knit together 
in a common cause 
to nourish all who hunger in body, mind, or soul, 
we pray You, O God.

That we may use our might 
for mercy and justice, 
rather than vengeance and violence, 
we pray You, O God.

That we may be faithful and compassionate stewards 
of your wondrous creation, 
we pray You, O God.

That we remember those who have been lost
through violence and terror, 
and honor their lives by sowing peace and concord, 
we pray You, O God.

Ground of our Being, 
Creator, Redeemer, Comforter, 
hear the prayers of your people, 
and extend your peace over all who turn to You,
for You are gracious, O Lover of Souls.


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