Sunday, September 6, 2020

Prayer, day 2780: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Most Merciful God,
we kneel before You in humble thanks
for your steadfast lovingkindness.
Lead us in paths of reconciliation,
and let us never abandon each other
when hurt or anger threatens to divide us.

We lift up before You
all who are in danger, sorrow, or any kind of tumult.
You are our hope and our stay, O Lord,
and we know You are with us always.

Strengthen all who work as rescuers and helpers
and place them and the vulnerable under your sustaining hand.
Give us wisdom to seek the higher ground of service and compassion,
caring for each other as children of God.

Bring us together as one community,
united by love,
secured by service in your Name.

Resting in your abundant mercy and grace,
we place our needs and concerns before You as we pray.


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