Thursday, August 6, 2020

Prayer, day 2749: As the Storm Approaches

Most Merciful God, 
may our prayers rise on the scent of jasmine 
as we praise and bless your love in our lives. 

The curtain of the night parts 
and you spread a new day before us: 
Lord, hear our prayer. 

In beholding afresh the wonders of creation, 
let us see with new eyes and hearts, O Christ. 
In taking up the work you have given us, 
let us be guided to do your will, O Christ. 
In turning from sin and self-centeredness, 
let us atone for our wrongs, and reconcile, O Christ. 

When tumults rage and threaten to swamp us, 
let us remember that you do not bring them, O God: 
Your hand holds us fast, 
and commands the waves to cease- 
may we never forget You are with us within the storm. 

Merciful One, make your face shine upon us this day, 
and upon those whom we now name.


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