Monday, August 3, 2020

Prayer 2746: A Prayer from Oklahoma

Most Merciful God,
at the opening of our eyes
our hearts turn to You
to center our hearts in your mercy.
The sun arises in the east,
calling us from our beds to sing out your praise,
O Guardian of Our Souls.

As the swallowtail swoops over the mown field,
seeking her food and trilling her joy,
may we too enter this day with hope
and gratitude for your providence, O Loving One,
that upholds both bird and beast, friend and stranger.
You send the wind to refresh us;
the murmur of the tallgrass as it bows before You
calls us into prayer.
Catchfly, blanketflower, bergamot, and butterflypea
dance to the drum of life that beats within us,
placed there by your marvelous hand, Holy One.
May we walk in beauty this day,
and work together to your glory, O Savior,
and anchored in your gospel.

Filled with wonder,
may we look with eyes of love
on all the works of your hand, O Creator.
Sustained by your grace,
we offer you the cares of our hearts
and ask your blessing as we pray.


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