Monday, September 24, 2018

Prayer 2067: In Honor of Deaconness Anna Alexander

Almighty God, Guardian of Our Souls,
on wings of mercy you have borne us up
through the changes and chances of our lives,
in joy and in struggle,
and we offer your our abundant gratitude
for your blessings without end.
Strengthen our steps
in pursuit of your justice and peace;
give us courage to confront oppression at all times,
standing in unity with those
whose dignity and worth is denigrated.
Teach us to answer hatred with love,
ignorance with charity and instruction,
proclaiming the resilience of faith
against all resistance and hopelessness.
Kindle within our hearts a desire for wisdom,
and anoint us with a spirit of determination and love.
In Jesus's name, grant your grace
to all who seek You,
and pour your benediction upon those for whom we pray.


Information of Deaconness Anna Alexander here and here.

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