Monday, April 16, 2018

Prayer 1906: Enacting God's Shalom on Earth

God of Abundance, we turn to You in gratitude,
for you have watched over us through the night:
may you guide us each moment today.
Show us the ways you intend for us, O God:
renew a right and humble spirit within us,
that we may reveal your truth in the world,
and testify to your mercy and reconciling power.

In you, Lord Christ, we find compassion and healing:
may we welcome your indwelling presence,
and seek the Spirit's guidance to hallow our days,
dedicating our lives, soul and body,
to the imitation of your grace and hope.

Help us enact your shalom on the earth, O Most High:
in joyful service, in your name,
may we sow the seeds of justice and peace
both within our hearts and in the world.
Through your lovingkindness, Lord,
produce in us an abundant harvest
to restore and renew the face of the earth
and the fabric of our souls.

Uplifted in faith and reconciled by your love,
we ask You to bless our journey and witness this day,
O Lover of Our Souls,
that we be woven into the Beloved Community of God.
Accept the prayers of our hearts, O Merciful One,
and pour the balm of your peace and comfort
over all those for whom we pray.


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