Saturday, January 23, 2016

Prayer 1096- on the Third Anniversary of the Prayer Circle

On January 23, 2013, I decided on a whim to start a "Mutual Prayer Circle" on Facebook, because so many of my friends and I were praying for each other. Each day, I pray the daily office, and then I write a prayer and keep a running list of those who had been commended to me for prayer by the group. The prayers themselves are then tweeted, line by line, on twitter, first on the church twitter account and then on my own personal account. Other people have both joined in praying and in asking for prayers. Today is the third anniversary of that group being formed. I am deeply awed that this ministry has resonated with so many people. May God bless us and preserve us, and may we always know the importance of prayer.

Almighty Creator, You are our Life and our All: Blessed be your Name in all creation! 

Be our Mother and our Father, O Love Divine, for you bear us in the world, and we find rest, comfort, and strength in your embrace. 
Be our home and our refuge, O Holy One, for all like sheep we are prone to wander astray. 
Be our light and our guide, O Blessed Savior, as we seek a path that honors You, and bears your hope into the corners of darkness. 
Be with all who have worried or wept in the night, O Protector, that they may know that You are ever near. 

Gathered in your Name, Most Merciful One, we bend the knee of our hearts before You, offering our all to You. Accept our prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, Lord Christ, as we pray especially for these beloveds.


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