Monday, October 19, 2015

Prayer 1000- inspired by Psalm 103

This is the 1,000th day that I and my friends and their friends have prayed together in a mutual prayer circle I started on a whim on Facebook nearly three years ago. It has been an incredible blessing to me, and has helped ground my spiritual practice, as I have written a new prayer the majority of days this group has been in existence. Thanks be to God!

Inspired by Psalm 103
Most Merciful God, you remember all your beloveds, and know us each by name: let us center our souls in You. You have poured out your blessings upon us, O Holy One: let us sing out our thanks with all that is in us. May we extol your glorious works throughout creation, and sing out our wonder at your saving help, O Creator. 

Anoint us with your loving-kindness, Lord Christ, and fill our eager hearts with your wisdom and grace. 

Bless us with discerning minds and gentle spirits, O Life-Giver, that we may turn to paths of peace and compassion. 

Speak your benediction over us, Lord, and strengthen and renew your children who put their trust in You.


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