A Lenten Journey
Day 2: Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Today's Theme: Repentance
Poem: Two Before the Altar
“There is a crack in everything;
That’s how the light gets in.”—Leonard Cohen
The upright Pharisee, each hair in place, not a
Fringe on his tasseled loafers askew, stood
Before God’s altar and prayed to himself
Congratulations for his impeccable soul.
He knew what others thought of him.
His righteousness shone from his shoulders
Like epaulets- so certain was he of his goodness.
He checked the lock on the vault of his heart,
And nodded, satisfied. Nothing
In, nothing out, undisturbed. Shrugging deeper
Into the mantle of his own esteem,
Duty satisfied, he knew he was blessed.
Nothing had changed.
On trembling legs the tax-collector climbed the steps, aware
Of the eyes that turned his way, the stink of collusion
That clung to his fine clothes. He could still turn away,
But his heart urged him forward. No one
Expected to see him here in God’s courts,
And some sneered as he passed.
He knew what others thought of him.
Eyes downcast, he made himself small,
And beat his breast,
Pouring out his sins until his soul
Was an empty bowl, so thirsty was he for God’s mercy.
A spark of forgiveness lit the tinder
Of his heart. Cheeks wet, he resolved to turn.
In the new fire of grace and gratitude he was reclaimed.
Everything had changed.
---------- Leslie Barnes Scoopmire, 2022, inspired by Luke 18:9-14
“There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes both heart and life than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to change their hearts and lives."
----------- Luke 15:7
Painting: The Prayer of the Publican and the Pharisee, Icon, Ivanka Demchuk, Ukraine
Prayer: A Prayer of Repentance
God of Grace and God of Hope,
we lift our hearts to You with gratitude.
Help us to remember that regret
is not the same as repentance,
that we may accept the consequences of our actions fully
and be led to true renewal and faithfulness.
Blessed Jesus, help us to honor forgiveness
and those who are brave enough to forgive
as an act of resistance to evil
and an act of empowerment of the soul,
as well as a gift we give to ourselves
to reclaim our lives as your children.
Spirit of the Living God,
gather within your embrace
all those who mourn and weep and worry this day,
especially those we now name.
--------Leslie Barnes Scoopmire
Day 2: Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Today's Theme: Repentance
Poem: Two Before the Altar
“There is a crack in everything;
That’s how the light gets in.”—Leonard Cohen
The upright Pharisee, each hair in place, not a
Fringe on his tasseled loafers askew, stood
Before God’s altar and prayed to himself
Congratulations for his impeccable soul.
He knew what others thought of him.
His righteousness shone from his shoulders
Like epaulets- so certain was he of his goodness.
He checked the lock on the vault of his heart,
And nodded, satisfied. Nothing
In, nothing out, undisturbed. Shrugging deeper
Into the mantle of his own esteem,
Duty satisfied, he knew he was blessed.
Nothing had changed.
On trembling legs the tax-collector climbed the steps, aware
Of the eyes that turned his way, the stink of collusion
That clung to his fine clothes. He could still turn away,
But his heart urged him forward. No one
Expected to see him here in God’s courts,
And some sneered as he passed.
He knew what others thought of him.
Eyes downcast, he made himself small,
And beat his breast,
Pouring out his sins until his soul
Was an empty bowl, so thirsty was he for God’s mercy.
A spark of forgiveness lit the tinder
Of his heart. Cheeks wet, he resolved to turn.
In the new fire of grace and gratitude he was reclaimed.
Everything had changed.
---------- Leslie Barnes Scoopmire, 2022, inspired by Luke 18:9-14
“There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes both heart and life than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to change their hearts and lives."
----------- Luke 15:7
Painting: The Prayer of the Publican and the Pharisee, Icon, Ivanka Demchuk, Ukraine
Prayer: A Prayer of Repentance
God of Grace and God of Hope,
we lift our hearts to You with gratitude.
Help us to remember that regret
is not the same as repentance,
that we may accept the consequences of our actions fully
and be led to true renewal and faithfulness.
Blessed Jesus, help us to honor forgiveness
and those who are brave enough to forgive
as an act of resistance to evil
and an act of empowerment of the soul,
as well as a gift we give to ourselves
to reclaim our lives as your children.
Spirit of the Living God,
gather within your embrace
all those who mourn and weep and worry this day,
especially those we now name.
--------Leslie Barnes Scoopmire
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