Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Poem, A Proverb, A Painting, A Prayer: A Lenten Devotional-- Day 1: Ash Wednesday

A Poem, A Proverb, A Painting, A Prayer: 
A Lenten Journey
Day 1: Ash Wednesday
Today's Theme: Being Beloved Dust

Poem: Ash Wednesday, Unshowered
My hair’s pulled back to disguise the grime,
though maybe it’s well that I’m unclean,
since from dust you came, to dust you will return,
the priest recites, smearing my forehead.
Once, twice, and I’m marked, a lintel in plague years.
I’m invited to kneel and read the fifty-first Psalm,
recalling how David watched Bathsheba bathe.
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Merciful one, save me from slight repentance.
I pierced the center of the white orchid, Lord,
and it was mud, blood’s cry, my body’s blighted tender.
---------- Anya Krugovoy Silver (1968-2018), from Image Journal

“It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of his presence.”
----—C. S. Lewis, Christian apologist and convert

Painting: Ash Wednesday, by Julian Falat, 1881
An 18th century French priest anointing worshippers with ashes


God of salvation’s joy,
we gather to celebrate and revere you.
We come, realising that we are broken.
Forgive and re-create us.

God of unfailing love,
we gather to worship and honour you.
We come, and because of your compassion,
forgive and renew us.

God of new beginnings,
we gather to praise and thank you.
We come, and through your grace and mercy,
forgive and restore us,
so that with clean hearts we may truly worship you.
-----------Joan Stott, Australian, based on Psalm 51:1-17, from her blog “The Timeless Psalms.”

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