Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Prayer 2333

Rose in the gardens at the Musee de Rodin, Paris.

O God, who has filled the world with beauty,
our hearts overflow with gratitude
for the wonders of the day that dawns before us,
lit with a flame of your own making.

Give us hearts, O Creator,
tuned to the melody of the spheres and galaxies
which dance overhead
behind the veil of cerulean and rose
that herald the sun’s rise.

Give us hands, like Christ,
eager to work in the fields of the Lord,
our shoulders to the wheels of justice and shalom:
Help us carry your light with integrity and grace

Give us a thirst
to drink deeply from the fount of your holy wisdom,
O Spirit of Truth,
and eagerly proclaim the gospel of love
in everything we do today,
consecrating our lives to the witness of Love.

Holy One, you know our needs and our concerns;
You are our companion in joy and sorrow,
and know all our pains.
Pour the cool balm of your presence
upon all who call out to You as we pray.


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