Monday, June 4, 2018

Prayer 1955: The Treasures of the Gospel (Matthew 13:44-52)

Almighty God,
who guards and treasures us even in sleep,
we thank you for bringing us this new day,
upheld by your wondrous love.

God of Mercy and Grace,
rule within our hearts that we may treasure what is good:
may we adorn ourselves with the pearls of your truth,
and walk in kindness, gentleness and companionship
upon the earth you molded by your love and wisdom.

Help us to cultivate the fields of our hearts
that they may flourish with your gospel of hope,
and bear fruit in our witness in the world,
that even unawares we may testify to your love, Lord Christ.

Holy Spirit, overshadow us in your power,
and consecrate us to living lives of service,
reconciling and healing the breaches that divide us.

Lord God, Holy Trinity, Eternal One,
we place all our cares and thanksgivings before You:
pour your peace over all who call upon You,
and draw within your embrace all those for whom we pray.


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