Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Prayer, day 1865

Blessed Redeemer,
lift me up by your love,
abounding in mercy,
that I may sing your praises
from the depths of my heart.

Draw me deeper
into the mystery of your grace, O Holy One,
for my soul longs for You.
Search me out and rescue me
when I have gone astray,
for You are my Hope and my Shield.

May your Word be a lamp unto my feet,
and your grace a guide to my heart.
Hear me when I call to You,
and pull me from the shifting sands,
for You are ever tender in your care.
Give me a zeal to serve You
by serving your gospel,
and a heart to love others
as I love myself.

Loving One, be our companion in the way today,
and broadcast your blessing and your peace to all who seek You.


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