Sunday, February 11, 2018

Prayer 1842: Last Sunday After Epiphany (Transfiguration Sunday)

Lord, we arise to answer your call to us,
to open our eyes to your light and truth
that we may be transformed and uplifted by your love.

Gathered around Your altars, Blessed Jesus,
may we become your witnesses
in truth and grace,
unified and resolute as your Beloved Community.
When we pray that your way be known on earth, O God,
let us remember that our actions
are the means for that revelation,
and ourselves embody your holy light
of love and hope with each other.

We worship You, Lord Christ:
but may we also love You with our whole heart,
and draw You near as our companion and our hope.
May we allow your reconciling and healing love
to transform us, O Holy One,
and draw us together in joy and praise,
compassion and tenderness.

Gather within your embrace all who seek You,
and send your Spirit to comfort and strengthen those we now name.


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