Monday, May 29, 2017

Prayer, Day 1585- For Memorial Day

My dad, on the right, graduated from Hobart High School in 2002 two days before his before his 80th birthday. He dropped out of high school after the Pearl Harbor attacks and joined the Navy, to serve in the Seabees in World War II. In 2002, the Oklahoma legislature passed a law granting diplomas to any veteran who was in a similar situation. The entire school district put on a remembrance of World War II, and all the kids and my dad's entire family were there.

Most Precious Jesus, we rise to give you praise, and lay our thanksgivings at your feet. Breathe upon us, Breath of God: renew our hearts and spirits that we may love as little children love, in joy and wonder. 

Help us honor those who have fought overseas or at home for the freedoms we now enjoy, and who longed for peace. 
Help us remember our call to defend the oppressed, the impoverished, the marginalized, and the weak. 
Strengthen us, O Almighty God, to stand against those at home or abroad who espouse violence, hatred, inequality, or tyranny. 

Lord, you know the inmost secrets of our hearts: comfort all who mourn. O Gracious Spirit, illumine our hearts with your truth and glory, and lift up those we now name.


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