Monday, July 27, 2020

Prayer 2739: In Gratitude for the Earth

O Creating, Sustaining God,
your mercy gently drops upon us like a cooling rain,
and your grace spreads before us in beauty,
like the flower-dappled resplendence of a summer field.
We lay our hearts before You,
and give you thanks and praise.

Awaken us to a deeper devotion to You,
an abiding commitment
o the care and love of each other
in your Name and for your glory.
Teach us to walk gently and mindfully upon this Earth
which You have placed as a foundation
for all we do,
to delight in wonder at its beauty,
and to protect it as your handiwork and gift.

May our voices join with the sparrow and thrush
to sing out our joy in your goodness and love,
in the harmony and mutuality
You have woven into the fabric of creation,
in the warp and weft of the web of life that supports us.

For the sake of our Savior and Redeemer,
accept these prayers and prayers,
O God Most High,
and pour out the oil of blessing
upon all those for whom we pray.


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