Monday, April 8, 2019

Prayer 2262: Beauty in God's Creation

With a song of praise on our lips,
we join with creation in declaring
the wonders of your hand, O God,
who is making all things new.
Awaken us to our kinship
with each blade of grass,
each budding tree,
each gust of wind carrying the song of birds.

We behold your love in the world, O Holy One,
and rest secure under your watchful gaze.
Direct our steps into paths of peace and justice,
we humbly pray,
and give us the wisdom and will 
o work for the common good in your Name,
as You have commanded.

May we embody the reconciling love of Jesus
in all that we say or do this day, Lord.
For we do not exist for ourselves,
but as your disciples we are called to service,
upheld by your abundant grace and compassion.
Blessed Savior, press the kiss of your blessing upon us,
that we may rise to your call,
and give your angels charge over those for whom we pray.


Photo: The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God,  taken as a storm approached while on retreat at Windridge Solitude, Lonedell, MO.

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