Friday, October 5, 2018

Prayer 2078: Confession and Lament

In silence and stillness,
we bow before you, O God.
In your compassion, O Merciful One,
accept our our prayers and intercessions
as we lay our cares and confessions at your feet.

We pray for our waywardness and hardness of heart
that blinds us to the wounds of others;
may we be pierced by the empathy that Jesus exemplifies
as we seek to work reconciliation in his name.

We pray that we may see that the little one in faith
whom we are called to welcome
may be the person who makes us uncomfortable;
may we examine our discomfort
as a call to growth.

May we denounce those who mock the torment of others,
who define suffering as justice,
or degrade the vulnerable;
for peace and honor cannot be built
on a foundation of pain.

We pray that we may have the courage to stand with the oppressed,
to overcome hatred and contempt
with love's power and goodness, Lord Christ.

By the power of the Holy Spirit,
stretch forth your healing hand over us,
and over all for whom we pray, O Savior.


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