Saturday, September 1, 2018

Prayer, day 2044: for times of sorrow or trial

In peace, we pray to You, Lord Christ,
our hearts and faces upturned and open to your glory.
Holy One, You are our shepherd;
we therefore rejoice,
and offer you our thankful hearts,
centering our lives in You.

You gather us into your arms, Blessed Jesus,
and carry us in safety and love.
We rest within your mighty embrace, O Redeemer;
You cover us in the mantle of your grace and truth.
Each breath we take is precious in your sight, O God;
you know our lying down and our rising up.
We know that we are yours forever;
nothing can separate us
from the love and mercy of God our Savior.

Lord of Life, Prince of Peace,
You strengthen the trembling;
You comfort those who mourn;
You bear within You those who have fallen.
We can endure and overcome all things through Christ;
in You we root our trust and our hope.

Holy One, we place before you
the names and cares of all who call upon You this day,
and ask that You grant them peace and solace
by the power of the Holy Spirit as we pray.

1110, adapted

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