Monday, August 13, 2018

Prayer 2025: inspired by Psalm 89 and John 3:16-21

Almighty God, have mercy upon us,
as we awaken to this day you have given:
accept our prayers and praises
as we anchor our hearts and intentions in You,
O Shepherd of Our Souls.

You sent your Light into the world, O Lord,
for reconciliation, not condemnation,
for mercy and faithfulness
are the foundations of your throne.
Merciful One, even in the darkness
your Light shines brightly, 
giving witness to your tender compassion for us
to overcome theshadows of anxiety and fear:
may we ever sing of your love
that rises as the dawn conquers the purpling sky.

Blessed Jesus, Light of the World,
lead us in gentleness and integrity this day,
and enlighten us and shape us by your holy wisdom.
Extend your healing embrace to all who wait upon you,
O Lord of Our Hearts,
and pour out your blessing upon those we now name.


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