Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Prayer 1838: a vow of discipleship

You, O God, are our light in darkness,
a lamp to our feet as we rise from our rest
and prepare to walk the pilgrim path today.

Our spirits are revived, Blessed Savior,
by the gospel of hope you have prepared for us;
sweeter than honey,
it strengthens us to love and joyful faithfulness.

We make this vow before You, O Creator:
by the power of the Holy Spirit,
may we be guided by your wisdom
to seek reconciliation and justice in all our ways.
May we renounce the casual evils and systems of exploitation
that deny the full humanity and worth of others,
and take bread from the hungry.
May our hearts never be divided
but may we proclaim your goodness and healing
as testimony to the world,
and bear your truth in humility and kindness.

Receive with tenderness, Lord Jesus,
our supplications and prayers we lay before you.


Photo: Window at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Wilmette, where my dear friend and littermate Andrew is curate.

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