Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Prayer 1809: renewed by mercy

With gratitude we embrace this day,
Most Merciful Creator,
and together we offer You our praise and thanksgiving.

Envelop us in your love and care, Lord Jesus,
and awaken our hearts to seek your ways.
Blessed Savior,
give us the will to follow you and serve you,
for you laid down the path of righteousness and justice
to teach us to live in contentment, joy, and peace.
Make us seekers of wisdom,
protectors of the vulnerable,
and true disciples of your Word, O God.

Strengthen the hearts of all
who are in danger, turmoil, sorrow, or pain,
and give them rest within your embrace,
O Shepherd of Our Souls.
Renewed by your everlasting love and mercy,
we lift our hopes and prayers to You,
Almighty God,
our Rock and our Redeemer.
Pour out your blessing over all who seek You,
and grant your peace to those we now name.


Photo: A bromeliad in the climatron at the Missouri Botanical Garden, Spring 2017.

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