Monday, September 26, 2016

Prayer 1344- for reconciliation

Detail from a crucifix at the Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris.

Holy One, we rise this day remembering our gathering at your altar, proclaiming your saving deeds and love for all of creation. 

You brood over us, O God, as a mother tenderly cares for her children, modelling compassion and reconciliation. 
Our lives are dependent upon your grace, Lord, in your reaching out to us again and again, even sending your Son to lead us. 

How then, can we turn our backs on our brothers and sisters, who suffer injustice, oppression, and want? 

Call us out of our own carelessness into the light of love and community, as a shepherd calls his sheep. 
Let our lives be a testimony to your abundance and holiness, Lord Christ, as we endeavor to live as You lived. 
Heal us of our hard-heartedness, and let us try to walk in the way of peace and justice. 

Accept our whispered prayer offered to You, Merciful One, and rest your benediction on those we now name.


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