Thursday, April 14, 2016

Prayer 1178- for renewal and restoration

Detail from s table at St. Augustine's Chapel on the campus of Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

Lord Jesus, take us by the hand and lead us this day, that we may walk faithfully with you in holiness and thankfulness, we pray. 

We hunger for justice, shalom, and lovingkindness, O Lord: You are our bread. 
We thirst for wisdom, forgiveness, and renewal, O Lord: You are our cup. 

May all creation and all nations be drawn into the peace of God, and may our hands and tread be gentle upon the earth. May your loving and life-giving Spirit enter the transoms of our hearts and minds, that we may delight in your truth. 

Pour out your blessing, O God, on all who call upon You, especially those we now name.


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