Friday, July 10, 2015

Prayer 899

In silence and reverence, we bend the knee of our hearts before Our God and Savior, and ask that You consecrate this day. Holy One, may we breathe in your peace, and breathe out your praise. Each heartbeat sings out alleluia in thankful adoration for the Spirit who makes us one, for the God who blesses and keeps us. As the clouds part and the storms of the night pass beyond the horizon, dawn's glory fills us with peace and gratitude: thank You, Creator God. Give strength to the weary, comfort to the afflicted, and the bread of life to those who hunger for You, O Savior. Tune our hearts to play in harmony with each other, and draw our hands together to join in fellowship and love. Give ear to the whispered prayers of your children, O Loving One, especially as we lift up friends and loved ones in our intentions.


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