Friday, June 26, 2015

Prayer 885

Madonna and Child, Chapel at the Marianist Center, Wildwood, Missouri.

Lord Jesus, be with those who call upon you, that we may be strengthened and shielded by your undying love. 

Make us overflow with your love, that we be united in our hope of your kingdom. Uphold those who seek justice and safety, bearing them up in your mighty arms, O Savior. 

We give you thanks for your abounding mercy, O Holy One, and for the blessings You shower upon us. We turn to You as children seek their mother's embrace: quiet our fears and doubts, and dry the tears of those who weep. 

Happy are those who seek the way of peace and love: lead us in songs of thankfulness and praise. 

We lift our hearts to our God and ask for your guidance, that we may walk in beauty as children of light. Shine forth the light of your countenance upon us, and pour your blessing over those we now name.


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