Sunday, August 31, 2014

Prayer 587- in preparation for worship

Reflection of the East Altar windows on the floor of the sanctuary at Holy Communion.

O God, we come with joy into your sanctuary, rejoicing and praising your wondrous Name! Let us walk in humility and love with our neighbor, and seek pardon from any we have harmed. We sing out the abundant love You give us; bless us and keep us as the apple of your eye, we pray. 

Turn our minds to hear your statutes: turn our feet to your path of wisdom and truth. Shelter us under your wings, O God, and strengthen us when trials draw near: for You are with us always. Rejoicing in the fellowship of saints and apostles, let us go from your altar to labor in your kingdom. 

Hear the prayers of your people, O Holy One, and grant your benediction upon those we remember to You.


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