Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Prayer 491

(Inspired by Matthew 13)
O Lord, let your word and wisdom be planted in our hearts to take root and flourish, to guide us and guard us in the paths of righteousness. Make our hearts a fertile field, not stony or thin but verdant and well-watered, for your teachings to take root. Let us guard our fledgling faith through hope and trust, and preserve it from being crushed under the heel of fear or insecurity. Like a blooming plant, let us turn our faces toward your radiance, and glory in the light of your countenance. Let us sink our roots deeply into your commandments, that we be knit together in love and faithfulness. Give respite to those who quail under oppression, and strengthen those bearing the weight of pain, anxiety, or sorrow. Comfort and shelter those who call out to you, in Jesus' name.


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