Friday, January 31, 2014

Epiphany Prayer 26 (Day 375)

O God, Your everlasting love revives me: I raise my heart before your altar in prayer, and I am filled with peace. You are the God who paints the sunrise: the glory of the Lord fills the skies. 

You set your hand before me and behind me; You set me upon your way, and my heart is full of joy. One thing I seek today: to do the will of my God, and to work for justice and peace for my brothers and sisters. Make me a friend to the downtrodden and a help to the weary. 

You have mercy on all who call upon You; let your light shine forth to those who have lost their way. 

Soothe the ache of sadness and sorrow in those who mourn, O Loving One: we trust in You, and our hearts are uplifted. Hear the cares and concerns of your people, O God, and be with those we now name.


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