Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Prayer 2782: For the day after Labor Day

Almighty God,
Artisan and Crafter of the Heavens,
Molder and Shaper of the Worlds,
Shepherd of Our Souls,
we open our hearts before you in gratitude
and lay our prayers before your throne.
Your sustaining breath, O God,
empowers and impels all living things,
and we rejoice in your goodness.

Holy One, teach us to honor our common life together,
given to us as your gift.
Guide us into wisdom, Blessed One,
in valuing the contribution of all workers,
that all who labor
may gain access to the sweets of home, family, and security.
May we demand safety and respect in our workplaces,
remembering that You, O God, call us to honor each other
and see your holy imprint within all.

Beloved Savior,
guide us into a deeper sense of communion
with those around us,
and help us dedicate ourselves to building
an equitable society,
a peaceable communion in which
we share each other's sorrows as well as joys,
and join together as kindred spirits
regardless of circumstance,
in one Beloved Community.

Spirit of God, bend near
and lead us into e more perfect unity and kinship,
as we lay before You our prayer and intercessions.
Bless these, O God, whose needs we remember before You.


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