Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Prayer 2748: Walking in the Way of Jesus

God of Mercy, God of Grace,
grant us the wisdom to see your image
in each and every face,
and, with humility,
to acknowledge your imprint within us.
May we marvel at the beauty
of every living thing
created by your hand,
including this bountiful Earth, our home.

May we wear your mantle, O Savior, with integrity,
working as one alongside the oppressed,
the impoverished,
the suffering,
the silenced.
May we walk in your way, Blessed Jesus,
to give voice to those
that cry from the wilderness of injustice.
May we offer water
to those parched in the desert of insecurity and need.
May we give hope
to those who have lost their faith
in the power of compassion and love in the world.

Blessed Trinity, extend the shelter of your compassion
over all who cry out for help, we humbly pray,
and give your angels charge over those
whose needs we lift before you.


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